Aligning with the Truth in You - a daily inspiration

6 months ago

August 13 - Aligning with the Truth in You - a daily inspiration
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As you continue to align with the truth in you, the loving, compassionate, forgiving being that you are, your participation in your spiritual journey will intensify. And as your participation intensifies so too will greater peace of mind and joy result. Imagine being on a tour bus and falling asleep. You sleep, yet the tour goes on. You will not be enjoying the tour as much as others who are awake, yet that does not mean that you are not participating in it. Not forgiving is a symbol of sleep, yet once you awaken, once you forgive, you will have a lot more awareness, peace of mind, and joy than you did before, and this will increase your participation in, and enjoyment of, the tour. As your participation and enjoyment grows, you will be better able to relate what happened and what you saw and experienced to those who ask. And so today let us recall that our level of peace of mind and joy does not depend on the outer world and the thousands of illusionary images we may see and experience, but on our inner world and one simple personal choice, to forgive or not, to awaken or remain asleep.
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