From America's General To Political Target! General Mike Flynn | Twins Pod 08.16.2024

6 months ago

General Michael Flynn is an American Hero & World Class Patriot! He joins Twins Pod to discuss his political background, why the media/intelligence communities persecuted him, and his insight into what the future looks like for America regardless of who becomes President. General Flynn also brings his friend Combat veteran Boone Cutler to discuss psychological warfare, veteran recovery, and the medical-industrial complex! it's a DAMN GOOD show y'all!

- 03:12 - Mike Flynn's Movie
- 05:11 - General Flynn Was A Democrat Until Trump
- 09:23 - Intelligence Communities Going After Political Figures
- 11:20 - 9/11 Changed Everything
- 17:40 - This Is Why They Came After Flynn
- 22:10 - Flynn Was Originally Appointed By Obama
- 28:09 - Trump Asked Flynn To Resine?
- 32:48 - Pence Did Not Like Flynn
- 40:42 - Hollywood & The Government Are Propagrandizing Us
- 45:02 - Republics & Democrats Both Suck!
- 53:17 - Biden Crime Family
- 58:46 - Censorship Is Murder
- 1:03:12 - Boone Cuttler Joins
- 1:05:43 - Veterans Are Treated Awfully
- 1:11:46 - Veteran Suicide
- 1:16:39 - The Twins Are on Shrooms?!
- 1:20:53 - People Do Not Trust The Establishment
- 1:25:47 - Mind Control IS Real
- 1:30:05 - Dystopian Surveillance In China
- 1:36:34 - Election Predictions
- 1:41:21 - False Flages To Demonize Groups
- 1:50:16 - Everyone Loves the Twins

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