w/Johnson CIA: 12 000 NATO Troops Invaded Russia. Target, Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. NATO Casualties: 7200!

6 months ago

Recorded 2024-08-16
The United States is Preparing to Jettison Volodomyr Zelensky
Russians are Good at Math and The Woke West is Good at Pronouns. 12 000 NATO Troops Involved in Invasion in to Russia (Kursk Nuclear Power Plant). 30% of NATO forces has been Killed, 20% wounded, 10% captured and the rest is in cauldron, cut off from any supplies and being hunted down by Cossacks and Chechens. All on Russian territory where population is very Hostile to NATO Homosexuals.
Reporter Seymour Hersh on “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”: Exclusive Interview
The CIA’s Maritime Branch sits at the end of a quiet road in Panama City, Fla.
The Plan to Get Rid of Zelensky & the Nord Stream Pipeline w Larry Johnson
NOTE — YouTube has banned Judge Napolitano for one week. Bastards!! You can follow him at BitChute. Please spread the word.
Documentary: NATO Terror Attack in Beslan, 1 September 2004 18+++
Ex-CIA: Putin Prepares MASSIVE ATTACK on Ukraine | Zelensky Will be Taken Out!
Larry C Johnson - Senior Officer of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, sonar21.com

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