Allah talks to himself and praise oneself - 513 subtitled english

4 months ago

Allah speaks to Himself, (Koran 9.30) ... which implies a reflexivity, a plurality in the essence of Allah. However, this is contrary to islam, which, as the "Godhead of the Holy Trinity", absolutely rejects the distinction of persons in the divine essence, which is one and indivisible. For islam, talking to oneself is too human to be divine. But the idea of reflexivity, of plurality in God, may displease him, but it is very much present in the Koran, and thus testifies to the falsity of islam. What's more, Allah sings his own praises in the first Sura, for example.
(Koran 1.1-7 ; 59.22-24) … By comparison, Jesus hated pride so much that he humbled himself to the point of death on the cross to condemn it once and for all. (Lk 16.15 ; Jn 8.54 ; 1 Co 1.25 ; 3.18) ... Who can come after Christ, if not the Antichrist ?

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