AfD current, as of August 13, Thuringia (29.1%)

1 month ago

AfD current,,
As of August 13, Thuringia (29.1%).
As of August 16, Saxony (31.1%).
As of August 06, Brandenburg (24%).
As of August 16, Bundestag (17%).
State election 2024 in Thuringia: The most important information:
Elections will be held in Thuringia on September 1.
How do I vote in the 2024 state election in Thuringia?
Every eligible voter who is registered on the electoral roll will receive a written election notification no later than the 21st day before election day. This lists the election date, the election period, the location of the respective polling station and the documents for postal voting.
Every voter has two votes. The first vote is used to elect the direct candidate of a constituency. The candidate with the most votes becomes a member of the state parliament. The second vote is used to elect a party.
How can I vote by post for the state election in Thuringia?
If you cannot or do not want to go to the polls in person, you can vote by post before the 2024 Thuringian state election. The necessary polling card and postal voting documents must be applied for with the election notification sent by post, in person or digitally at the municipality. The postal voting documents include the ballot paper, ballot paper envelope, ballot paper envelope and ballot paper.
Once completed, these can be sent by post (the address is already on the red ballot paper envelope) or delivered in person to the relevant municipality. The documents must be received by 6 p.m. on election day at the latest. Within Germany, there is no postage when sending the documents by post. The election documents can also be handed in at a competent postal voting office. This requires a polling card and an identity card.
When will the results of the 2024 state election in Thuringia be available?
After the polling stations close at 6 p.m., a forecast from post-election surveys will be published shortly afterwards. Later in the evening, projections will then be published, incorporating the counted results.
Which parties are ahead in Thuringia according to the poll?
According to the Thuringia trend from MDR/Infratest Dimap, the AfD was at 28% in Thuringia in June 2024 (-1 percentage point compared to the March survey), the CDU at 23% (+3), the BSW at 21% (+6), the Left at 11% (-5), the SPD at 7% (-2) and the Greens at 4% (-1). The FDP was below 5% and would not return to the state parliament.
Sources: MDR/Thuringian state parliament administration
>A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony on September 1, 2024. According to electoral law, the election must take place on a Sunday or public holiday.
>Potsdam. State elections will be held in Brandenburg on September 22, 2024. The state parliament with its 88 members will then be re-elected.
AfD: Der Weg zum Umfragenhoch - Statista Racing Bar
Björn Höcke speech Gera [AfD family party Gera 16.08.24]

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