The fisherman and the jinni, Arabian nights entertainments|AMSR Sleep Story

1 month ago

the tale of a poor fisherman who casts his net four times a day. On one occasion, he pulls up a heavy brass jar sealed with the seal of King Solomon. When he opens it, a powerful jinni emerges, furious at being imprisoned for so long.

The jinni reveals that he initially vowed to reward whoever freed him, but as centuries passed with no release, he decided to kill his liberator instead. The clever fisherman, realizing his peril, tricks the jinni back into the jar by pretending to doubt the jinni’s ability to fit inside such a small space. Once the jinni is back inside, the fisherman seals the jar and threatens to throw it back into the sea.

The jinni, realizing his mistake, pleads for mercy and promises to help the fisherman. The fisherman releases him again, and the jinni leads him to a lake with four types of fish. The jinni instructs him to take the fish to the king, who is so impressed that he rewards the fisherman generously. The story ends with the fisherman living a prosperous life, having used his wits to escape a dangerous situation.

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