This video is a response to what happened on July 29, 2O24, and other previous "events"

1 month ago

This video is a response to what happened on July 29, 2O24, and other previous "events".*

Some may find it a little upsetting or offensive, but, if words alone have this effect, then the full unimaginable reality of the events of that day should compel your moral conscience to take a stand and prevent a future that's coming at breakneck speed toward our children.

The widespread societal psychological impact alone of such events cannot be understated. Children who know about these type of events are now anxious and scared, and live with fears they should never have to contemplate.

Children who don't know still pick up on their parents anxiety and fears, in a way that children do. The result is most become affected, in some way.

Such events will happen again, and are becoming more frequent. And the denials around the truth and nuance of them is blatantly denied, and will be ever more so as time goes on.

We do have the ability to change all this. But not for long.

Please note a video was put out last week regarding coverage and possible reasons for this "event". It was very heavily shadow-banned. You will find the video on The Irish Inquiry YouTube Channel (and a follow up piece should be available soon).

*word event used to avoid heavy shadow banning and censoring that has resulted from covering what occurred on that day.

Written, produced & edited by Susanne Delaney & Stephen Kerr.

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