Battle of Altars - Kingdom Finance WarRoom -16 Aug 2024

5 months ago

In this Kingdom Finance War Room, William Abraham of The 7000 ( looks at the Battle of Altars. We are in a contending season. There is a demonic inversion - establishing demonic altars to defile what is godly. What was going on at the Olympics with the defilement of the Christian sacrament and paganism? Implicit in the spectacle is the same spirit that raised the Golden Calf. False altars and corrupt foundations pervert and deny Kingdom calling and anointing, replacing it with defilement and self-serving narcissism. Like the Golden Calf, it also symbolises the waste of blessing and material resources. Establishing a false altar opens the door to lack and poverty. We have a model for dealing with false altars. In 1 Kings, the Prophet:
"...cried against the altar by the word of the Lord, O altar, altar, thus says the Lord: ...Behold, the altar shall be split and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out." 1 Kings 13:2-3
We are to speak to these defiled altars and declare the Kingdom. It is time to break down baalic altars and re-establish altars of righteousness. Also, as our leaders erect false altars, we must declare the opposite and establish and declare Kingdom. After all, we are the righteous remnant.
Genuine transformation cannot be brought to a family, tribe, city or nation without dealing with the false altars.

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