ECDO Mediterranean & Europe

2 months ago

Mediterranean & Crete [detail]. ECDO-derived [1] displacement for rotation from S1>S2. Within the historical account of the Crete catastrophes (1750 B.C), explicit mention is made of the direction from which the water came during the first event: "great tidal waves moved towards the island from the north and swept over it" [2], as would be predicted of the Aegean Sea during a State 1 to State 2 rotation. It is also described that the second catastrophe, 50 years later, was dominated by volcanism and earthquakes, and was furthermore anticipated.

Censorinus also makes mention of this water|fire sequence as being coincident to a planetary cycle in De Die Natali (238 A.D) : “There is a period called ‘the supreme year’ by Aristotle, at the end of which the sun, moon, and all the planets return to their original position. This ‘supreme year’ has a great winter, called by the Greeks “kataklysmos”, which means deluge, and a great summer, called by the Greeks “ekpyrosis”, or combustion of the world. The world, actually, seems to be inundated and burned alternately in each of these epochs.” [3]


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