Cows are actually carbon negative.

5 months ago

Take that Bill Gates: The University of Nebraska recently completed a study showing that the way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere is by raising more cows. According to their findings, cows are actually carbon negative.

“Optimizing grazing systems is the best way to ensure that carbon is being taken up by the pasture, cattle are growing from utilization of the forage, and greenhouse gas emissions are being offset of cattle from birth to slaughter”.

Pasture grazing for 180 days of the year is the best way to ensure cattle do not have a negative impact on the climate.

For example, while pasture grazing is important, weather conditions in Nebraska do not allow producers to have cattle graze year-round because of the grass’s growth. Finishing cattle in dry lots allows for a year-round beef supply and a faster rate of gain, further reducing negative impacts.

“When optimized grazing is applied based on the climate and the region, there is more carbon sequestered than what cattle breathe out in CO2 and produce in methane”.

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