Why Does Everyone Want to Live in the Racist West? | A Critical Compass Clip

6 months ago

How do we square the idea of Canada being an irredeemably racist nation with a horrific genocidal past, in which everyone somehow still wants to live? We seem to have a conundrum in the messaging when we look at the reality of modern immigration policy.

Have we "devalued" the process whereby we used to vet and integrate immigrants into Canada? Is the natural conclusion of a somewhat "open border" temporary foreign worker policy necessarily that you will have a higher percentage of people who bring their homeland's ideologies and problems with them and integrate into their new homeland less because of it?

Further reading -- StatCan on the major waves of immigration in Canadian history up until the 2011 census: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-630-x/11-630-x2016006-eng.htm


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