Article 4971 Video - International Public Notice: Donald Trump Revealed By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4971 Video - International Public Notice: Donald Trump Revealed - Friday, August 16, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to our attention that former President of the United States, Inc., Donald John Trump, has filed a Uniform Commercial Code claim to own the Municipal franchise named after him and also to discharge all the tax debts of the franchise via assignment to the Secretary of the Treasury (Puerto Rico, we are assuming).

This leaves the question of what capacity is he acting in? He still isn't acting as a living man, but as a franchise of some other corporation. The answer as to which corporation has, at least apparently, been revealed. In the UCC filing attached, he describes himself as a member of One Heaven, which is a weird, quasi-religious Secret Society, that has once again, established a corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" and at last report, filed for incorporation in India.

This is just a repeat of what we have seen ever since the so-called American Civil War --- a group of British Territorials forming a commercial or municipal corporation --- naming it after us or our government, and then promoting this impersonation scheme as a means to access our credit and commit crimes of personage and barratry. They must be stopped.

If indeed Donald Trump has chosen to align himself with The Reign of the Heavens Society, this is very bad news for sane people everywhere.

The Reign of the Heavens Society and its "One Heaven" offshoot, represents a group of plagiarists who are not only trying to usurp upon the identity and trademarks of the American Federation of States, our unincorporated Public Instrumentality which has been doing business under the name The United States of America since 1776, but which has liberally plagiarized the work of Frank O'Collins, a once-very-high ranking Catholic priest, who left the Church and developed a utopian model for a new social order that he called "Ucantia" and published on the internet for several years.

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