Culture & fertility of countries are under attack by the UN Satanist-run globalists fake-covid-hoax

6 months ago

Islamophobia is being used as a cover-up for the decline of the Europeans which will spark up racial hate as we see today. Now we know why we were told to roll up our sleeves for the covid poisonous jabs DEPOPULATION of course. It is in the UK that the murderous NHS tag teamed up with the malign government & pharmaceutical companies to plan out a medical cull attack on the elderly. With the likes of 'Medical Chief Matt Hancock's' evil self who decimated the elderly in nursing homes across the UK under his watch. Mesalamine tablets were being introduced to the elderly making matters worse and speeding up the death rate for the old and vulnerable. Depopulation is REAL hidden in plain sight. The fake covid jabs are still killing victims because that's what they are. They were bamboozled into orchestrating their own deaths with the help of the cabal-run NHS.

Mirrored from: tigers-eyes


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