After Letby

7 months ago

[This video was uploaded to YouTube on August 21, 2023.]

The conviction last week of Lucy Letby after the longest murder trial in British criminal history has left many people wondering. If like me you are ancient enough to remember the Beverley Allitt case, you’re likely doubly perplexed. Namely, how could this has been allowed to happen again?

These were not ordinary babies but premature babies, and they need the highest level of care. They also appear to need the highest level of security.

Here are three cases from the United States I found with a simple Google search. All the perpetrators are not nurses but mothers.

This is Maggie Dixon. In 2017, she was caught trying to smother her 12 month old son. She spent five months behind bars and was eventually allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor after playing the mental health card. She is a mother of two but her husband has now taken both their offspring and her relationship with them appears to be over.

The same year, Jennifer Sandor was caught trying to smother her 7 month old son. She was charged with attempted murder but I could find no follow up at all, either on the Internet or in NewsBank.

And this is Shantaniqua Scott who was caught on CCTV trying to smother her four month old son in 2011. I actually found this video a few years ago but it appears to have been removed from YouTube since, or if it is still there I can’t find it. I found it on a Czech website with loud commentary in that language so have removed the audio.

She was indicted by a grand jury for serious bodily harm to a child. She appears to have admitted attempted murder to the police. She was sentenced to 25 years. In July 2014, a Texas appellate court upheld her conviction and sentence.

All these women were thwarted by CCTV. It seems to me that CCTV needs to be used far more extensively on neonate wards. Additionally, no one should work alone with babies barring very exceptional circumstances. Anyone disagree with that?

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