8/17/2024 Answering the Tough Questions

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Answering the Tough Questions
As is their want, BJ and Mr. Anderson love to tackle the difficult questions. For example, what is the best way to reason with those closest to you when it comes to today’s red hot political environment without setting your home on fire? How do you get them to even consider rethinking their beliefs without making it personal, or did we just answer our own question? Confused, BJ and Mr. Anderson will help by setting the table for you. Don’t miss hour # 1
Consulting with spirit of 1776
During our second hour, Last Call welcomes Joe Wolverton, II, JD. who joins us for a legal update that America has seemingly overlooked, at least in spirit. Joe is a Constitutional Law Scholar and now with the John Birch society. He loves to teach and that is exactly what we need as there is a questionable issue with regard to at least one of our current Presidential candidates. Join us in hour# 2 for a spirited conversation about the November 5th Presidential election.

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