Rare obscured Official Artwork of Wendy Milan (Rushing Beat Ran) and Elfin (Rushing Beat Syura)

5 months ago

Rare obscured Official Artwork of Wendy Milan (Rushing Beat Ran) and Elfin (Rushing Beat Syura)





The Rushing Beat Series were an amazing Trilogy of Super Nintendo Beat'em up Games from Jaleco for the Super Nintendo,but one problem that these games suffered from besides the Terrible Localizations they got back in the day under the localized Names (Rival Turf,Brawl Brothers and the Peace Keepers) was the Limited obscurity of any Official Artwork of any of the Rushing Beat Characters,even for it's time with the japanese versions of these games during they're release during the 90's.

Finding any sort of official Artwork of Wendy Milan (From Rushing Beat Ran/Brawl Brothers) or Elfin (from Rushing Beat Syura/The Peace Keepers) was very limited,which the only other piece of official Artwork that exists of these two were the Rare Hard to Find Japanese Manuals from the japanese versions of these games!



I gotta say,I dig the 90's Manga style Artwork of these two:P

But the Question now remains is,Will Elfin also return as a playable character for the upcoming New RUshing Beat X: return of the Brawl Brothers? because I do know that Wendy Milan's gonna make her grand comeback!

Anyways,the song I used in the Video is the "High Tech Laboratory" Stage theme,which is from the 3rd and final game in the trilogy "Rushing Beat Syura" (The Peace Keepers)!:P


also,in other news,a remastered Flac quality of the Numan Athletics Arcade game Soundtrack is now available on khinsider:


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