Susanne Delaney delivers loud and clear message to the Mayor of Derry

1 month ago

What culturally Irish message for the Mayor of Derry did Susanne Delaney deliver loud and clear on the steps of the Custom House on May 6th?

The SDLP's Lilian Seenoi-Barr has goaded the Irish people on more than one occasion by calling concerned Irish people "Terrorists" who want to hurt migrants. She has also absurdly claimed Irish people have wiped Africa's historical influence from Ireland's history. She claims African culture has built up Irish society. She fails to provide examples of how of course.

Susanne (Suzie D) delivered a powerful and passionate speech to over 10,000 people and pays respect to both Aisling Murphy as well as our ancestors in her oration. She challenges the establishment and talks of her fears for her daughter and country.

She is running as a local election candiate in Tallaght.

The voting date in June 7th. Closing date for voting registration is May 20th.

Vote the right way. Save your country.

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