Hamburger dill PICKLES | You can do it in SMALL batches too!

5 months ago

You don't need to have pounds and pounds of cucumbers to make pickles! If you only have a small amount of pickle cucumbers then just divide the full recipe to make what you want and need!

Full recipe here: (you can also get this from the Ball Preserving book)
Makes 7-8 pints of pickles
4 pounds of 4-6 inch pickle cucumbers
6 Tbls pickling salt
1 quart plus 1/2 cup water
1 quart vinegar (at least 5% acidity)
14 heads fresh dill (or two heads per jar you use for pints)
3 1/2 tsp mustard seed (or 1/2 tsp for each jar)
14 peppercorns (or 2 peppercorns per jar)

Links to canning supplies:

Canning tools set:
Pressure canner (you can use the pot for water bath canning and have dual purpose):
Stock pot for water bath canning:
Canning jars (quarts):
Canning jars (pints):
Extra canning lids:
Pickling Salt:

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