"The Reward of Humility and Trust in Yahuah Psalm 34"

6 months ago

In a world where humility often goes unnoticed, Psalm 34 reminds us that true reward comes only through Yahuah. This psalm beautifully illustrates how the humble, who seek refuge in Yahuah, find joy, protection, and deliverance. As David declares, "Let the humble hear and be glad," he emphasizes that worldly solutions are temporary and cannot remove our deepest fears. Only Yahuah can deliver us completely, sending His angels to surround and protect those who fear Him.

Psalm 34 teaches us that those who turn away from evil and seek peace will experience Yahuah's goodness and lack no good thing. The psalm also offers comfort to the broken-hearted, assuring us that Yahuah is near to those who are crushed in spirit. While evil may destroy the lawless, those who trust in Yahuah are redeemed and find true refuge.

This reflection on Psalm 34 invites us to taste and see the goodness of Yahuah, to live a life of humility, trust, and righteousness, knowing that in Him, we find our true reward. Psalm 34. I bless Yahuah at all times; His praise is continually in my mouth. My being makes its boast in Yahuah; Let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, make Yahuah great with me, And let us exalt His Name together. I sought Yahuah, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were lightened, And their faces were not ashamed. This poor one cried out and Yahuah heard him, And delivered him out of all his distresses. The Messenger of Yahuah encamps all around those who fear Him, And rescues them. Oh, taste and see that Yahuah is good; Blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him! Fear Yahuah, you His qodesh ones, For there is no need for them who fear Him! Young lions have lacked and been hungry; But those who seek Yahuah lack not any good matter. Come, you children, listen to me; Let me teach you the fear of Yahuah. Who is the man who desires life, Who loves many days, in order to see good? Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit. Turn away from evil and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of Yahuah are on the obedient, And His ears to their cry. The face of Yahuah is against evil-doers, To cut off their remembrance from the earth. The obedient cried out, and Yahuah heard, And delivered them out of all their distresses. Yahuah is near to the broken-hearted, And saves those whose spirit is crushed. Many are the evils of the obedient, But Yahuah delivers him out of them all. He is guarding all his bones; Not one of them is broken. Evil does slay the lawless, And those who hate the obedient are guilty. Yahuah redeems the lives of His servants, And none of those taking refuge in Him are guilty.

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