Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Aug 15 2024 - Shaken, Not Stirred

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Another exciting week my friends!

First, the anticipated appeal, King v McDonald, was postponed by the court. Just two days before the appeal date Cullen McDonald received notice that the judge was ill. The appeal hearing would be held over until Oct 11, 2024.

Cullen will be joining us tonight to discuss this most important case in Canada.

Secondly, one doesn't need to venture far to see that something is happening in Canada's workforce. More and more we are seeing a shift in the demographic at coffee shops, restaurants and even banks. So what's driving this shift?

Our good friend Mitchell was recently employed at a Tim Horton's until he was let go by the manager who told him "white people can be replaced". Mitchell is going to share what he has learned about foreign worker initiatives.

We'll see you tonight for another jam packed Friday Night Zoom!

If you haven't already, please join us on our social channels:

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