China "Nuclear Chicken" War with U.S., EMP attack takes down U.S. electric grid, Lessons Learned

1 month ago

This is a Collapse Survival App military exercise simulation lessons learned report. In this scenario, China invades Taiwan and forces U.S. to back down from supporting Taiwan by a small nuclear attack on the U.S., a HEMP (High Altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse) attack that destroys the U.S. electric grid. The U.S. backs down in this "game of nuclear chicken" and focuses on recovery. Details on the U.S. electric grid vulnerability and the Congressional EMP Study report that warned back in 2008 that our electric grid is vulnerable, and 90% o Americans could die in an EMP attack. The myth that cars are highly vulnerable to EMP is discussed (they are not). Means to reduce vulnerability to EMP are presented along with other collapse survival lessons.

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