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Prophet Julie Green - Live With Julie - It's Almost Over for The Biden - July 18, 2024 - Captions
The Lord has given a prophetic word, warning that the enemies of the nation are desperate and will stop at nothing to prevent the current president from being re-elected. The Lord reassures his children that their enemies are on the run and that a great defeat is coming for them. He urges his followers to stand, fight, and trust in him like never before, as the storm is here to bring about a great change worldwide. The Lord emphasizes that he is the great Protector, Defender, and Deliverer, and that he will bring judgment against the enemies of the nation.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-18-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Today’s Scriptures:
Est. 4:14
1 Tim. 6:12
Phil 4:13
Col. 2:15
Heb. 2:14
Isa. 54:17
2 Cor. 10:4
2 Cor. 2:14
Luke 10:19
Deut. 28:13
Eph. 1:17-22
Eph. 6:10-18 (Armor of God)
Ps. 9:16
2 Chron. 20:15
Ps. 9:19-20
Ps. 86:9-11
Ps. 145:13-20
Ps. 47:3, 8-9
1 Pet. 5:8
Heb. 13:8
Deut. 28:7
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning everybody. Today is Thursday and it's July 18th of 2024. Thank you for joining today's live show. And again, I just want to thank each and every one of you because you have just been such an amazing part of us all at JGMI and we love and appreciate each and every one of you. And I love seeing the faith that is growing in so many of you we're getting so many emails And letters in the mail and so many of you not only are you sending in your prayer requests But we can see the change of how you're asking for them.
And I just love seeing what God is doing in your hearts and what God is doing in the strength that he has given to you in this time. Again, it's so it's such a pivotal moment in time right now where enemies were meaning to break us. And I say this a lot, but it's so important for each and every one of you to know the enemies were trying to destroy you.
They were trying to break you. They were trying to weaken you. They were trying to get you to give up and quit, but instead you're persevering. Instead, you're fighting that good fight of faith. Instead, you have that firm focus foundation on God. Instead, you are believing and trusting in him, despite anything you feel and despite anything.
That you are seeing around the world today, you are in the army of the Lord. You have been handpicked and chosen for such a time as this. And each and every one of you have a special calling and a special purpose to be on this earth at this very moment. So don't let anyone or anything tell you that you are not here for a purpose or for a reason.
You may not be behind a camera like this, but you are special to Almighty God and there are things that He wants you to do. Because this is a time for the glory of the church. This is a time of that great harvest of souls. This is a time of miracle signs and wonders. This is a time where we're going to see the great I Am do things that he has never done like this before.
Again, we already say, we already saw him save a nation in a day. In one way, now we are going to see it happen even more and even greater. And as the enemies try to pull and to push more intensity, as they're trying to do more things against us, we as a body of Christ are going to do more to push and resist and fight that good fight of faith.
One of the things I'm going to tell you, I'm going to go over some scriptures today, along with this prophetic word. But one of the best teachings I can ever tell you to go and find there's a book and there's also something that you can go find on YouTube. And that is one of my favorite, favorite teachings of all times by Jerry Seville.
And it's called to battle. And you're destined to win, called a battle and destined to win. And that is one of the best books and best teachings because in my own life where I was struggling through a lot, that was one of the teachings that helped me fight and help me stand and help me not give up and quit.
So it's called the battle and destined to win. I want you guys to write that down, get that book or watch that YouTube video. If you don't want to buy a book, if you're not much of a reader. But now I'm not telling you that just to tell you that I'm telling you this because this is a battle and the time we are living in, we don't have time to quit.
We don't have time to give up. We don't have time to become weak by the enemies and what they are trying to do. This is where we are called to battle. We are, we are destined to win this battle that we are in. Okay. So I just want to encourage each and every one of you with it. This is something again, it's one of my my favorite teachings of all time I do have a couple scriptures that i'm going to read from that that is just so imperative and it's so very important at the very pivotal moment that we're in When God said, as time is going to shake, it's going to shake more violently and things are going to intensify and it's never for our fear.
It's never to bring fear into your hearts. It's never to bring, oh my gosh, now what are we going to do? I can't do this anymore. No, God's saying he's pushing you through because he is your breakthrough. God is getting you over because he is your victory. He is your banner. So don't ever forget that. No matter the circumstances in your own life, you determine that you are called to this battle, but you are destined to win it.
Okay, so i'm gonna go over this prophetic word today But again, I always want to encourage you before I get into the prophetic word because this is not Just about you know me reading a prophecy and then you say, okay, that's really great This is about so much more than that. This is about revelation knowledge that God's giving to us These are marching orders that God's giving to us.
It's encouragement that God's giving to us It is hope that God is giving to us You Because that's exactly what he knew that each and every one of you needed to know for this very day in this very hour. And that's the reason why I pray this way. I want you guys to hear from the Lord exactly what you have to hear in your battle, exactly what you need from him in the situations and circumstances that you're going through, that you need that answer.
I don't have your answer, but God has that answer. That's why I tell you all the time don't take my word for it get into the word of God Because your hearts and your mind should be focused on God because he is the one you can trust We can trust God; God doesn't fail and that's the reason why I want you to know him As such a greater greater way and a great revelation knowledge and having a fellowship with him Because he will not fail you.
Okay. He's the one that you can trust. Okay. Now I want to go over this prophetic word with you and this is called, it's almost over for the Biden. And I heard this word on 7-15. So it was three days ago. I heard this on monday early morning, before I got on or monday or tuesday, whatever day the 15th.
I think the 15th was monday so I heard that monday money morning early money morning before I did the live show Okay, so this is it's almost over for the biden and you know, it's very God is so, he's, well, he's always confirming. This word was I heard on Monday morning and I just heard last night that apparently he has COVID and he went off somewhere to Delaware or something.
I don't, I don't even know. And this is what I think after he just said that he would step down only if it was a doctor's or a medical something medically would tell him that, you know, that he couldn't do this anymore. So I, I, I don't think it's coincidental. That he's now disappeared because he's had a lot of gaffes over the weekend apparently, and I will give you prophecies that go along with it.
You guys know that God's been talking about this replacement he's been talking about his gaffes, he's been talking about his cognitive functionality. He's been talking about how people are going to turn on him even more now to get rid of him and to remove him. And we are seeing all these words since 2021 be played out in front of our eyes.
This is God. He's been telling us about it and God is awesome. All right. Now here's a prophetic word. It's Almost Over for the Biden. This is from seven 15. My children, your enemies will stop at nothing to stop this nation from moving forward. They will do anything to keep my David from the president's seat.
Do you see what they are revealing to this world? They want death. They want destruction. They want chaos. They want your hope to come to nothing. They were willing to kill their opponent because there's no other way to win this election or to save themselves from *their* impending doom. I have repeatedly told you they *will* try more.
Their puppet is failing and falling and they can't stop it or make momentum go in their direction. The world, including this nation, is turning against them.
Your enemies are shouting, "*No one* is believing us anymore! Each day that goes by, more people are turning from us, and what we say. We will *lose* this election if we don't do something more! We tried to kill him and it failed; now we must do everything at one time! Every plan that we can in this short time to cause confusion, death and anything we have to *to stop him*!
If we don't, *we are finished*. We will be tried for *treason*. We will lose our *fortunes*. We will *lose everything*. Our plans are going up in *smoke*. What do we do to stop him from taking back this nation? Everything we have done is making him more popular and more powerful. _*How*_* did our plans not work*? They have worked before.
We had everything going our way, but he is still alive and this nation still has hope and they are still fighting. We can't have that! What else can we do? We must go after the ones he is protecting and the ones he is fighting for. We must go after the *citizens* now. *We can't afford them to be like him, strong and still fighting*."
Do you hear it, my children? Fear in your enemies like never before. No matter the weapon of choice, it will fall short and it will fail, just like they have at everything else. I have allowed you to hear these words from their conversations to expose that they are the ones that they are afraid, and *you shouldn't be*.
March, my children. March in this battle. You have your marching orders. *Shout my words! Shout them out! Shout them down! Shout their defeat! Louder now! More than ever before! It's working! Keep going! The establishment is falling!* They are *losing* their power over you. Their lies are *no longer working* to hold you in this captivity.
*Keep moving! Keep advancing! Keep using the authority I have given to you!* Watch them fall, fall, fall, and fail, fail, fail. Watch them be removed, removed, removed. It's coming because *I Am here for justice*! It will be clear, saith the Lord of hosts.
Some of my children are asking, Lord, why did this happen to President Trump? Why was this allowed? Why are so many things happening that could destroy our nation? *Why are these things happening*? My answer for you is *your enemy's defeat*. They thought they had their way. Now, I will show you mine. I allowed certain things to be seen for your enemy's ultimate defeat.
Your enemies had time to repent and change their minds. They chose *their way* and not *mine*. The storm is not coming. The storm is here now here to wipe this all out that you have seen against you. I will let it be clear that I Am here. My children, I have put your enemies on the run. They will no longer stand and fight the way they used to.
No, they are on the run! They will duck for cover with no protection! This is that time they will say more against one another and they will expose each other. Desperation has grown to another level. Days of exposures are here. Days of great collapse of a government and their control by an establishment
that tried to rule my nation. It's now time for the world to see that *this is my nation* and *not theirs*. That my power is bigger than what power it looks like your enemies have.
My children, it's almost over for the Biden... *Yes!* For Obama... Y*es!* For the establishment... *Yes!* And for the globalists... *Yes*! So hold on because I Am here to deliver my nations from their hands, saith the Lord of hosts! Now that is the prophetic word I heard on early Monday morning. Now this is something that I heard right before I got on here that he wanted me to read.
So this is from right before I got on. Things are heating up and your enemies are at the door and sorry, "Things are heating up! You are at the door of a great change worldwide. *Fight! * never before! *Stand! * never before! *Trust me!* never before! *War is here!* It's *not* one your enemies wanted It's *mine* to bring this *great defeat* seen by the world. My children, you will see that *I Am* the *great Protector* and the *great Defender* and the *great Deliverer*, says the lord of hosts.
So I wanted to read that also to you this morning You Because God's been warning us about this time for quite some time. He's been warning us when the things will intensify. He's been warning us when things are going to violently shake. He's been warning us where things are going to change. He's been warning us about the storm that's coming.
He's been warning us about the judgment that you're going to see against your enemy. He's also warned us about the times where the enemies are growing desperate. And as our desperation is growing, they're going to turn more against us. When the heat is turned up on them, they're gonna try to turn the heat on us.
And some people say well We can't take anymore. Yes, we can because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us That is Philippians 4 and 13 Christ has given us that power and the authority and the ability that we can do all things Because of what Jesus has already done for us It says in the word in first Peter, well, let's, let's just turn there because that's one of my scriptures that I wanted to give out today that the Lord has really put on my heart to give to you.
1st Timothy chapter 6 1st Timothy chapter 6 and verse 12 I quote this all the time, but it's not the time to quote it I have to actually read it and this is out of amplified version fight the good fight of faith Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were Summoned and for which you confess a good confession of faith before many witnesses We have been summoned, or we have, in the New King James, it says, we have been called.
Called to what? We have been called to this battle, to fight the good fight of faith. We are in this world. And the enemy is doing everything he can to stop your faith or your trust in almighty God. So you have been called in this battle to fight and to stand in that faith and to stand and trusting in God, no matter what the enemy throw at you.
You've been called or summons to this battle. Now, if you get a summons in the mail from jury duty, I think Chris just got one. If you get summons to a jury duty. By law, you have to go if you are called. You are summoned, just like if there is a draft, you are summons into that battle. You may not want to fight that battle, but just like people in Vietnam, and they were, there was a draft, you were summoned by your government, and you better show up.
Well, we've been summoned by our Heavenly Father. To find a good fight of faith, our enemies are going to throw everything they can at us, but God's saying, no, you've been called, you've been called to this battle, but he says it's a good fight, and a good fight is the one that you win. So even though you may be summonsed, and even though you may be called into this battle, You are destined to win it.
That's the reason why I love that teaching, even though we have been called and Pete, some people don't realize they are in a battle and they're not fighting it. I can't fight it. I'm too weak. I just don't, I don't have that kind of faith. I don't have that kind of strength. And that is how the enemy just defeated you.
But remember, Jesus is the one who has given us and guaranteed us the victory because of the shed blood that he did for us on Calvary. And he took back, when he went to hell, he took back the keys of hell, death, and the grave. He disarmed our enemy in Colossians 2 and 15, Hebrews 2 and 14. He brought him to nothing.
And so if we know that we have been called this battle. Our enemy has already been disarmed in this battle. Our enemy has already been brought to nothing in this battle. But some may say, Julie, it doesn't feel like your enemy doesn't he's been disarmed. It doesn't feel like he's been brought to nothing.
That's exactly right. He wants you to feel like he is this massive giant, and he has this arsenal of weapons. And no matter what you do to fight against him, there's nothing you can do to defeat him. And that's the farthest thing from the truth, because he is already defeated. He's already lost. You can say he's the biggest loser there is.
Remember that show, The Biggest Loser? That was on a long, long, long time ago, where people who were the biggest loser were the one who actually won the prize, like it was like a million dollar prize or something, because they lost the most amount of weight. So they were the biggest loser. I'm saying the enemy of ours, our adversary, is the biggest loser there ever was, because he has actually had the biggest defeat.
That there has ever been and when we have the name that's above every name We have the name of jesus We have the authority of that name that name above every name that every knee must bow to that name So we are in war and we've been called to this battle, but we have the greatest weapon, which is the name of jesus We have the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
We have been set up for success And not only we've been set up for success, but we've also been guaranteed the victory in this battle. We've been called to battle, but we are destined to win it. The battle is the Lord's. He's already won it. Now he just needs us to have that firm, focused foundation on him.
That Lord This battle may be long, this battle may be hard, this battle may be overwhelming, but I am called to this battle, but I am destined to win this battle, because of your defeating, because of what you did to defeat my enemy. I trust in you, I believe in you, I have faith in you, that no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, no matter what the thoughts are in my mind, I am called to this battle, I am destined to win it, because you said in your word, That I fight that good fight of faith and that fight is a fight that I win because Jehovah Nissi, he is my banner and he's my victory.
You are my victory. Do you see why God is telling us to shout louder and to shout his words more? He's giving us an even greater marching order in this time. And some people say, well, why? He just told you why. Your enemies will stop at nothing. Our enemies have already tried the attempted assassination of our rightful president to try to destroy him and our nation in a day.
And now he's been warning us that they are coming after you and I more. But, God, they failed against our nation that day, they failed against our president that day, and they will fail in every attempt and everything that they try to do against us. As citizens of this nation or against us as children of almighty God, because you don't want the battle is the Lord's.
So it doesn't matter what they have in their arsenal. I will say this again in Isaiah 54, 17, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So the enemies are going to try. Many things. God's been warning us that the world may stand, may look, feel like, or it may appear like the world is standing still. He said, darkest before the dawning.
He's been telling us it will look worse before it gets better. But what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to hold on to the truth of Almighty God and His Word, and hold on to faith that He is faithful to perform His Word. That's why we're called to this battle, but we are destined to win it. Now, if you look up the word summoned, okay, because it says in his word and first Timothy chapter six, verse 12, we have been summoned.
Okay. This is what this word is. The definition is having been called on called forward or ordered to come, especially for a specific purpose. Or a specific place. So what God is telling us, we've been called on and called forward because we're in the army of the Lord. We've been called forward to that front line.
And he says, we've been ordered to come. We don't have a choice. But again, the thing is what we should be excited about is that we have a guaranteed victory, no matter what It looks like I also want to read to you something else go to 2nd corinthians chapter 10 2nd corinthians chapter 10 2nd
corinthians chapter 10 and verse 4 for the weapons of warfare are not physical Weapons of flesh and blood but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction Strongholds in as much as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true Knowledge of God we lead every thought Purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ the Messiah the new anointed one So the weapons of our warfare are not what they're not car.
They're not physical. That's why we cannot fight this battle that we're called in or were summoned to We're not called to fight it just like in a physical manner, what most people would say. We are called to fight it in a spiritual, this is a spiritual battle. We've been called to fight it in a spiritual manner, which is the Word of God.
Not losing up hope, not giving up, quitting. Quitting is no longer an option for the body of Christ. Burying our head in the sand. Acting like ostriches or like saying this is not real. This is not real. I can't think about it. I can't focus on it That's what the enemy wanted people to do in the past or how the christians for the longest time stayed silent There's no longer time for that.
We have to be louder, shout louder. That's what the guy's been telling us to shout louder than the enemies. They've been shouting loud for a long time. Why God's people have been silent. And so what we have to do is we have to shout louder than we did before. And we have to think the louder we shout, we have to think like the walls of Jericho.
That's what we have to think. The walls of Jericho. Jericho when they started shouting the walls of Jericho came down when we start shouting even louder We will see the establishment fall down. We will see the globalists and agenda fall down We will see all the plans of the enemy fall down Why because we're fighting it the way God has told us to fight.
We are called to this battle But we are destined to win it. We are in the battle for this nation, but we are also in the battle for this earth because evil wants to overwhelm it. And again, you have people in the body of Christ given an evil report saying it's hopeless saying there's, it's a dark time and saying everything's going to go to hell in a handbasket.
There's nothing we can do about it. That's not true. That's the evil report and that's why I keep going back to Numbers chapter 13 where there was a good report There was an evil report. God is telling us we are called to this battle We are destined to win it and we have to move forward and not quit quitting is not an option Walking away being silent giving up Giving in it's not an option anymore We have to, what God's been telling us to advance.
He's been telling us to move forward. And that is what we have to do. I have a lot more scriptures, but I want to tell you one of the things I've been, God's been warning us about and telling us about that the replacement of the Biden, he's been saying that desperation is growing and that they're going to do more against you.
But look what's happened just this week alone. You have what happened with president Trump, and then you have a disastrous call, I guess, that the Biden had with some of the people on the left. I don't exactly know what it was. But he has a call that I guess he went rogue on it or angry on it, and he started doing things and started having gas.
And then you have Schumer coming out and telling him he needs to step down. Schiff is coming out and telling him he needs to step down. Hakeem Jeffries is coming out and telling him he needs to step down. All these major players in the part of the left is telling him to step down. Again, the Lord's been saying this for three years.
He's been saying that because of what happened with that debate, God told us it was gonna be a landslide against Biden. He came out and told us that on June 26th, what was the debate was for and why they were letting him go. They were letting him on front and center stage to fall. In front of the world.
Fall, not just physically, but fall with gasps. Fall with a mental decline and cognitive functionality. He fell in front of the world. Now, again, people already knew this. They hit it. They didn't want, they, they wanted to hide it. That's why their narrative. And then all of the news reporters and all the Democrats, all of a sudden we're hiding all this.
And then all of a sudden they wanted him to have a debate in June when we don't have debates until September, October. They want to debate in June. Why June? Why? Because they know he can't win. They are desperate. They know he can't win. God just showed us in this prophecy conversations that they are having.
They are Petrified. We are not supposed to be petrified or in fear. God said they are petrified and in fear right now Because they don't see a solution to win. I want you guys to turn to Well, you know what? Because quitting is not an option, let's read another scripture that will give you some encouragement.
2 Corinthians 2, I quote this a lot, I say it a lot, 2 Corinthians 2 and 14. But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, as trophies of Christ's victory. And through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of knowledge of God everywhere. God has guaranteed us the victory But thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumph There is no way no option for us to lose our enemy wants us to lose But they're the ones who are going to lose.
Then also I want you to read Luke 10,
Luke 10, 19, when we're called to this battle, but we're destined to win it. This is another thing that God wants us to do and realize Luke 10, 19, because people think they're just, they're nobody. They're not strong enough. They're not, they don't have enough, you know, strength in them at all to fight in this fight.
Look what God has given you Luke 10 19 behold I've given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy Possesses and nothing shown any way harm you does it sound like we're just weak and wimpy Does it sound like the enemies have the upper hand?
Do they have the high the high ground? Does it sound like we're going to lose? No, it may look that way. It may feel that way. Everything in your mind is telling you it's that way. But opposite of what God has been telling us through his word. It also says that if you look at okay, Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 28 and verse 13, and it says, and the Lord shall make you the head and not the tail. And you should be the above only and you not beneath. If you heed the commandments of the Lord, your God, which I command you this day and are watchful to do them, he's called you to be the head and not the The above.
Let's read another one Ephesians 1
a lot of these scriptures. I even have down. He's just giving them to me right now
Ephesians 1 and start with verse 17 Ephesians 1 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father the glory May give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation the knowledge of him. Why is he want to give us? The spirit and the revelation the knowledge of him So that when we are going to this battle that we've been called to and summons to we know that God is bigger We know that God is already the battle of the lords and he's already won it That we know that he's given us the strength and ability to persevere And to go through it and into that victory We have to the knowledge of him that he's our defender that he's our protector that he's our victory that he's our provider That he's our healer And if you know all these things You Then you can easily walk through this battle and receive your victory.
So it says, verse 18, that the eyes of your understanding may being enlightened that you may know is the hope of his calling. What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints? Verse 19. And what is exceedingly greatness of his power toward us, the exceedingly greatness of his power toward us, God has given us power, authority, and dominion, remember, over all the power of the enemy,
according to the working of his mighty power. According to the working of his mighty power, verse 20. Which he worked in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and seated him at his right hand in heavenly heaven. Places this says 21 far above all principality and power might and dominion and every name that is named Not only this age but also which is to come
verse 22 and he put all things under his feet and Gave him to be the head over all things to the church Which is his body the fullness of him who fills all and all where is our enemy? under our feet. Jesus is the head. We are the body. Our enemy is not on the same playing field. The enemy in this battle is on the low ground.
We have the high ground. They're under our feet. And anybody in battle, whether they're, you know, anyone at any ranking, In the military will know in a battle. You always want the high ground because you can see everything you can see where your enemies are positioned. You can see their weapons that they have.
You want the high ground. Well, God has given us the high ground and he's also given us prophetic words and he's given us his written word to show us what the enemies are doing and how we can have our victory. They've been called the battle. But we're destined to win in this battle because we have the high ground.
We can see what the enemy's doing, but we can also know and see what God has done for us to guarantee our victory. Let's look at another one. You know what? I have notes in my Bible right here I want to read. Under Ephesians 1 23. This is just a note. I have my Bible Okay that we have the knowledge of being in Christ Which is important that we have the knowledge of being in Christ because if we're in Christ we can do all things We can't do all things on our own.
We can do all things in Christ because he's the one who infuses that strength into us. So again, God has called us to this battle. We're destined to win this battle. We are doing it in Christ and his ability.
Knowledge acted upon brings results. Knowledge acted upon brings results. If we know the knowledge of Almighty God, and we are advancing in this war, we are advancing in this battle, and we have that knowledge of Him, we get results. Because we will trust Him, we won't quit, we won't give in, we will persevere, we'll get results.
What result? Our victory. Authority belongs to every child of God. Authority belongs to every child of God. Belongs to every child of God. You have to understand you have been given authority by Almighty God to use his name. You have a blood covenant with him, and you also have been given authority to use his word.
Then there's another key thing. When a child of God knows the truth. They are no longer dominated by the devil when a child of God knows the truth They are no longer dominated by the devil if you know the truth of Almighty God You know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper You know that you've been given all power and authority and dominion, you know even call this battle, but you're destined to win it You know that you are the head, not the tail.
You know that you have the upper ground and your enemies got that low, the lower ground and the enemies, you can see what they're doing. You know what they're doing and you can see their defeat coming because their defeat is guaranteed and your victory is assured. You see when you are a child of God and you know the truth, you are no longer dominated.
By the devil. So you're no longer dominated by those thoughts of defeat, failure, quitting, of fear, worry, doubt, unbelief, of how the situation is going to turn out. You know the situation is going to turn out with your victory. Because God's saying, I've called you to that battle, but you're destined to win that battle.
It says that good fight of faith. That means you're going to win it. You may not know how you're going to win it, the how, that's God's. And you just need to trust him through it. God can be trusted. If you go to Ephesians 6,
now, of course you can read Ephesians 6, 10 through 18. And that's the whole armor of God. For the sake of time today, I'm not going to read all of that. You guys can go and read Ephesians 10 through 18. I'm going to read Ephesians 6, 10, but it's really important. Just like the team we put on the armor, we plead the blood of Jesus.
This is what we do because we're going into battle as we are going into praying for you on a daily basis, we're warring and interceding on your behalf and on our, you know, in this ministry and for the body of Christ or for the nation, And so when we're going into that battle, we need to have the armor on.
We need to know our authority. We need to have the blood of Jesus to cover us. And protect us from the enemy. So Ephesians 6, 10, in conclusion, be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him, draw your strength from him, that strength, which balance might provide. God gives us unlimited power against our enemy.
He's the one who provides the strength. So what we have to do is trust and rely on God. He gives us that power to beat our enemy, no matter what it looks like.
Let's go to there's several different ones I want to go to here before I go back over this prophetic word. Go to Psalm 9,
Psalms 9, and honestly, you could read this whole entire thing. Go to Psalms 9 in verse 16, Psalms 9 in verse 16, and it says the Lord has made himself known. He will execute judgment. The wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. The wicked are snared. By the work of their own hands to remember, just like what God said, what was going to happen during that debate with Biden?
He was going to fall by his own sword. That's exactly what's going on with the enemies. And that's why the Lord gave us just the other day. 2nd Chronicles 20, how he told his people to the prophet. You are not going to fight in this battle. The battle is the Lord's. You're not going to fight how you normally fight physically.
You're going to fight with praise and worship. And as you are doing that, then I'm going to set up ambushes against your enemies. And then he did. And when they went to the battleground where they were supposed to fight, their enemies destroyed themselves by their own swords, they killed themselves. So then when they, when God's people came up to there, they didn't have to fight in that battle, God fought for them.
This is how this is going to be. We don't have to fight as you suppose. We have to fight in that normal way that the enemies are trying to provoke you to revoke us Especially after what they just did on Saturday. They're trying to provoke us to start a war Well, we are in a war and we are in a battle, but we're not gonna fight as they want us to fight We're gonna fight where we know When we're called to that fight of faith and trusting in God and we know that we are destined to win it We're not gonna fight a spiritual battle With natural ability.
Because if we did that, we would lose. You can't fight it in your own strength. You can, but you'll lose. But if you fight a spiritual battle with God's power, God's authority, and God's dominion that he's already given to you, then you're guaranteed to win it. That's why he summoned you to fight the good, fight the faith.
Now if you look at Psalms 9 in verse 19, Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail. Let the nations be judged before you. Verse 20, Put them in fear, make them realize their frail nature. O Lord, O Lord. That the nations may know themselves to be, but men, that means they have no power against God. When David was praying this, he was saying, look, let the nations and let the men know that they are nothing compared to you.
And that's what we should be praying. Father God, let them, the enemies, your enemies, Our enemies let them know that they are nothing compared to you and just like another scripture. He says Defend me speedily. All right, let's look to there's so many psalm 86
If my chat was working, which is not right now for some reason If I had time, I'd do another Q& A, but I don't know if I will because I can't see my chat right now. So, StreamYard is acting up. Okay, Psalm 86 and verse 9.
Psalm 86 and verse 9. All nations whom you have made shall come And fall down before you, you, oh Lord, and they shall glorify your name. The nations may fall down nations. They try to rise up against God. God won't be mocked and they won't stand for very long. Verse 10 for you are great and work wonders.
You alone are God. Verse 11. Teach me your way. Oh Lord, that I may walk and live in your truth. Direct and unite my heart to fear and honor your name. Let's go to Psalm 1 45,
Psalm 1 45 in verse 13.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations. God is the one. Remember? He's greater. He's higher. He's the most high God. He's El Elyon. He's the most high God. He's also El Shaddai, the God whom nothing is impossible. And so we read right here again, Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations.
So God's the one who has the dominion. It's not these people. Verse 14, the Lord upholds all who fall And rises up and all who are bowed down the eyes of all look expectantly to you And you will give them their food in due season verse 16 You're open you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing Verse 17 the lord is righteous in all of his ways gracious in all of his works The lord is near to all who call upon him to all who call upon him in truth He will fulfill the desire of those who fear him and you will also hear their cry save Them God will hear their cry and save them how many times we have to read In the scriptures that God hears our cries and he will save us God will save us.
The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. The Lord will preserve, this is Psalm 145, verse 20. The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. Destroy Psalm 47
and verse three, he subdued peoples under us and nations under our feet. Where did he say that we are? We have the high ground and our adversaries under our feet. Here's another scripture. He subdued people under us and nations under our feet. Verse eight of Psalm 47, God reigns over the nations. God sits up upon his holy throne.
Verse nine, the princes and nobles of the people are gathered together a united people for the poor God of Abraham and shields of the earth belong to God. He is highly exalted. That means he reigns over all of the earth. I don't have time for those other scriptures right now. I want to go back over this prophetic word.
me see if I refresh my page. Hopefully I don't lose you. If I refresh my page, maybe I'll be able to see my,
let's see if that's going to reload
Okay, I got it. I just had to refresh my page there. Okay. So if you lost me for a second, it's just because I was refreshing my plan, my page so I could see the chat. All right. Now it's almost over for the Biden. That's the name of this prophetic word and I heard it on July 15th, first paragraph. My children, your enemies will stop at nothing to stop this nation from moving forward.
They will do anything to keep my David from the president's seat. Do you see what they are revealing to this world? They want death. They want destruction. They want chaos. They want your hope to come to nothing. They were willing to kill their opponent because there's no other way to win this election or to save themselves from their impending doom.
So I want to stop right there. Guy's been telling us this for years. Repeatedly. They will stop at nothing. Now I told you also, repeatedly, the Secret Service, some of them, did their job. They jumped on him when they were supposed to do that. I Am not condemning them. This was more of the bureaucrats. And more of their representatives and their bosses, the higher up the higher echelon.
Okay. Some did their duty and some didn't, and God will reveal who it was for some men and women. Who bravely jumped on president Trump who are willing to take a bullet for him. So don't ever want to make that light. There are some amazing men and women in our secret service. Okay. I'm not trying. It's not all their fault.
All right. I just want to make that very, very, very clear. This was a hit job. It was a setup. It was a murderous plot as God has called it. Some people did not have any warning and some people knew it was going to happen, but you noticed they were willing to jump on him and take a bullet. So I want to show some love on those who actually did that.
Okay. Some of them are really good people. And I, I just want to make that very clear, but they will do anything to keep my David from the president's seat. We have to realize that they tried an assassination attempt in front of the world. They've tried other assassination attempts before. This one, in front of the world.
So, we obviously know, the stakes are very high. We obviously know that they were, and they are willing, to stop at nothing. So, what we have to do, why we know this, Remember, we have the upper ground. We have the high ground. And we know our enemies are going to stop at nothing. They're going to try to do anything and everything.
God's been warning us about things in our air, things in our food, He's been warning us about viruses, He's been warning us about economic crash, He's been warning us about a time of blackouts and darkness, and darkness does not just mean electricity, that's also spiritual. He's a warning us about this, but you've been called to this battle, but you're destined to win it.
It is not to bring us fear, it is to bring our enemies defeat. So no matter what we are about to see, because I'm telling you, our stakes are high. We're at that very, very pivotal moment where things are going to intensify and get crazy in a very short period of time. They are ravenous wolves, he calls them.
They're out for blood. They're out for destruction. And so what we have to do is just what he's saying, what we're supposed to do, fight that good fight of faith. They might be ravenous wolves, but they may have no teeth. They can't do the destruction that they want. Just like, remember it says in first Peter chapter five, and I think it's pretty sure it's verse eight, where he said, your enemy roams around like a lion seeking who he may devour.
Well, he may be roaring like a lion. He may sound like one, but he has no teeth. He can't do any damage. You know how God shut the mouths of the lions in the lion's den? He calls them ravenous wolves. They're not gonna be able to do the destruction that they wanted. He gives us many examples in the Bible.
Are enemies have plans? They don't go as planned.
They were willing to kill their opponent because there's no other way to win this election or to save themselves from the impending doom. What's the impending doom? Remember what God says? The handwriting is on the wall. They see it. Why do you think there's so many people on the left that are trying to come out now and tell them to step down because they see the handwriting on the wall?
They're going to lose. They are panicked to lose this election. They can't afford to lose this election. I said, also pray about president Trump and people who are near him, because if they can't do it one way, they'll do it another way. They have many different options in play. We have to keep him holed up in our, in our prayers on a daily basis.
All right. I have repeatedly told you they will try more. This is God's warning to us. They will try more. Their puppet is failing and falling, and they can't stop it or make the momentum go in their direction. The world is including. Is this nation is turning against them. They will try more and their puppet is failing.
That's why they have to try more because they're realizing that people are figuring these things out and people instead of agreeing with them, are turning against them and they're mad. They are not a united front anymore, as you can see it. They're falling desperately apart as we are becoming more unified.
But God said this for years. We should not be surprised that we're seeing these things. I even heard somebody say from the convention I saw a little short clip. It's like watching a movie. All we're seeing right now, it's like watching a movie and I just started laughing because that's what God has been telling us.
It's like watching a movie. We're literally watching a movie in front of our face. We're, we're coming to the end. That climactic part where you're coming to the end. Of the movie. You don't know how it's going to get to that part where the enemies fall, but you know, the end result, the good guys win. So I'm going to go so he says they can't stop it or make the momentum go in their direction.
The momentum is not on their direction. It's not. It's on our side. It's shifted. It's changed. God said the winds of change are here because God's changed them. He says the world, including this nation, is turning against them. Who? The world, the globalists, so the establishment.
Now, look it. He's letting you in on conversations they're having. He's letting you hear the words that they are saying. Because it looks one way on camera that they have it together. I, I don't know how. Some people look like they do. But some people are like, literally going berserk on, on national television.
It's, it's comical. At the same time, it's, it's crazy. Anyway, he says, your enemies are shouting. This is their conversations. No one is believing us anymore. Well, of course not. They're liars. We figured out they're liars. We figured out their narrative. Then it says each day that goes by, this is what they keep saying.
Each day that goes by more people are turning from us and what we say. Again, We know that because momentum is on our side and not theirs, but they are realizing day after day after day, they're losing more hope. Somebody sent me a clip or I saw like a little clip or whatever. I didn't watch it. I only saw the headline of it.
CNN even knows it's a landslide of a victory for President Trump. If the, the election was held today, it would be a, basically a bloodbath. We get the, we get the Senate, we'd get the house and we get the, the, the white house, they know it, they know it. Even Adam Schiff, again, didn't see the video, only saw a little thing of what he said, a little comment of what he said.
He doesn't want to lose! They're petrified of losing! They know they're going to lose the Senate. They know they're going to lose the, the House. They know they're going to lose the presidency. These people love, they're, they're, they're power hungry. They don't want our nation. They don't want, well, they say democracy all the time.
That's not what they want at all. They don't want freedom. They don't want democracy. They don't want you to have any bit of freedom at all. We can see that. Look what they've done the last how many years. All right, let's keep going. Let's let's let's see what else are saying. We will lose this election if we don't do something more.
We tried to kill him and it failed. Now we must do everything at one time. Every plan that we can in a short time to cause confusion, death and anything we had to stop him. If we don't, we are finished. We are about to see them try everything and anything.
We will be tried for treason. That's what they're saying. We will lose our fortunes. Yep, they will just like pharaoh did because God calls them pharaohs of old they will lose everything they have including their money We will lose everything. Yep. God's been telling us that for a long time. Our plans are going up in smoke What do we do to stop him from taking back this nation?
They can't they can't stop it. God is intervening Everything we have done is making him more popular and more powerful Well, at least they figured it out. Everything they've done against him has made him more powerful and more popular. How did our plans not work? They're still confused by this. That's why fear is growing in their camp, because all the plans they used to have, used to work, and now it's not working, and they're saying, How are our plans not working this time?
They don't get it. They're stumped. That's why there's so much fear and confusion growing in their camp. They have worked before. We had everything going our way. But he is still alive, and this nation still has hope, and they are still fighting. They are mad that we have hope. They are mad that we are still fighting.
We can't have that. What else can we do? Now, this is a key thing of what they are saying right now behind these closed doors. We must go after the ones he is protecting and the ones he is fighting for. We must go after the citizens now. We can't afford them to be like him, strong.
So they've tried everything they're going to do with him right this second. I mean, they'll, they'll try more, but now they're going to shift in their attention.
That means they're going to do something against our country. Look what God says. Do you hear it? My children fear in your enemies like never before, no matter their weapon of choice. This is why we're not supposed to fear no matter what they try to do. They're going to try to pull everything they can, but he's saying don't fear the weapon of choice.
It will fall, it will fail, it will fall, and it will fail. It will fall short, and it will fail. Just like they have at everything else. I have allowed you to hear these words from their conversations to expose that they are the ones that are afraid. So he says, I'm exposing that they are the ones who are afraid.
And you shouldn't be. Well God, what if they, you know, what if they do an economic experiment? You know crash and what if they try another virus and another shutdown and what if they try blackouts? And what if we have no internet and what if we don't have our phones and what if we don't have this and why don't We have that start to celebrate If my phone goes down and if I don't have electricity, I'm going to start shouting and praising and worshiping God.
I'm not going to panic at all because I know if that takes place, I know that I know that I know that our enemies are right there being defeated. We're not supposed to fear these things. That's why God prophetically has been warning us of these things. For three four years or more and of course in his bible, he's been warning us about this for a long time There's nothing new under the sun.
The enemy always tries something against God's people and against his nations That's just there's nothing new under the sun. But God says your enemy is not new And your enemy does the same thing, but God says, look, I'm also the same. I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you saw me defeat your enemy before, you will see me defeat your enemy again.
If you saw me save a nation in a day, you will see me save a nation in day again, because God's the same. Now he's telling us, this is what you do. March, my children, march in this battle. You have your marching orders. Now, what is our marching orders? Well, we're called to this battle. We're destined to win.
And we've been summoned to this battle. And he's saying, quit is not an option. Quit is not an option. So he's saying, shout my words. Shout them out. Shout who out? Shout your enemies out. Out of what? Out of their power. Shout them out of their places of power. Shout them down. Shout their defeat. And then God says, Louder now.
So if you've been shouting it before, God's saying, saying it, shout it now. More than ever before. It's working. Keep going. The establishment is falling. They are losing their power over you. Their lives are no longer working to hold you in this captivity. Keep moving. Keep advancing. Keep using the authority I've given you.
Watch them. And now he says this. This was so profound when he was doing this. Fall, fall, fall three times and then fail, fail, fail three times again. And then he says, watch them be removed, removed, removed. I know when he said that repeatedly, three times each, I knew that was very profound on how he was saying it and why he was saying it that way.
So keep proclaiming their defeat. He says it's coming because I Am here for justice and it will be clear. Say it the Lord posts.
My children are asking, now this isn't, no, we heard the conversations from the enemies in the enemy's camp. Now we're hearing questions that God is getting from his people. So he's hearing your questions and now he's giving you the answer. My children are asking, Lord, why did this happen to President Trump?
Why was this allowed? Why are so many things happening that could destroy our nation? Why are all these things happening to us? My answer for you is your enemy's defeat It looks like it's for our defeat when it's really not they thought they had their way Now I will show you mine. I allowed certain things to be seen for your enemy's ultimate defeat Your enemies had time to repent and change their minds.
They chose their way and not mine. The storm is not coming What storm is he talking about the perfect storm upon our enemies? He said the storm is here now to wipe them out this wipe this all out That you have seen against you. I, I will let it be clear that I Am here. So again, he's talking about his storm, his perfect storm.
This is a spiritual storm against our enemies. This is not just a physical storm. My children, I have put your enemies on the run. Well, of course he does. Because even Deuteronomy 28 said it yesterday, you keep repeating this. Deuteronomy 28, our enemies come before us one way and they flee. Before us seven ways God puts our enemies on the run, especially when we're in agreement with him We're fighting that good fight of faith We're called the bad war destined to win and we're speaking the words of almighty God The enemies are on the run.
They will no longer stand and fight the way they used to know they are on the run They will duck for cover with no protection. This is the time that they will say more against one another They're going to start saying more against one another again, they're turning on each other.
Then he says they will expose each other. Desperation has grown to another level. Yes. After what happened just the other day with President Trump, now all of a sudden you see COVID. You see Biden have COVID. I, if he's in the basement and he said he was going to you know, put himself in a, well, timeout or put himself in you know, quarantining himself or whatever, that stuff doesn't even prove that's wrong, whatever.
He went to Delaware. He's quarantining himself. He's on the run. He's on the run.
Days of exposures are here. Days of a great collapse of a government and their control by an establishment that they tried to rule my nation. It's time for the world to see that this is my nation and not theirs. That my power is bigger than what power it looks like your enemies have. Remember, God said they're going to try to remove the Biden and it's not going to go the way they want it to go.
So they had a plan to remove him and that plan is not going as planned. They want it controlled. They wanted it when they wanted it. They wanted it how they wanted it. It's not going that way. Is the ultimate and he's going to be removed. Yes. Is it going to stay in that position of power? No, guys been telling us that since 2021,
but we're going to start seeing more of their plans collapse in front of us. My children, it's almost over for the Biden. Yes. For Obama. Yes. For the establishment. Yes. For the globalists. Yes. So hold on because I Am here to deliver my nation from their hands. Sayeth the Lord of hoes. So again, God is the one in control.
So I want to read that other short prophetic word I got just this morning. This is again, it was God telling us what's going to happen. Things are heating up. You are at the door of great change worldwide. Fight like never before. Stand like never before. Trust like never before. Three different things.
I'm just saying this. Amen. Fight stand and trust like never before war is here But it's not the one your enemies wanted. It's mine to bring this great defeat seen by the world my children You will see that I Am the great protector the great defender and the great deliverer says Lord of hosts Again, the Lord of hosts Lord of angel armies So we're gonna see a lot of things go on in the next You Weeks, months, who knows?
I would say it's getting closer than, you know, months out. I mean, especially when you're seeing all this stuff that's going on with the Biden right now and with him, you know, having COVID and he may, he may, I mean, he just talked about a medical condition, taking him out of the presidency. Now all of a sudden he's got COVID.
So you never know. You don't, you just, you don't know. You can't trust anything they say and anything they do. So who knows? Well, we know that they're on the run. And we know the enemy is already defeated. So I want to remind you now, if something changes, just be watching tomorrow. As of right now, I am taking the day off, but you never know.
I, it can change and I might just go on live and take the rest of the day off. So I want you to be watching for tomorrow's. Live show so either be a pre recorded live show or it will be me going live So just check it because I gotta pray with the Lord because I truly truly want to take the day off And I'm getting a little niggle So I want you just to watch I might take the rest of day off for meetings and other things that I had to do with work But I still might do the live show.
So I want you to be watching And checking for that live feed tomorrow morning. All right. I usually put up at five 45 between like five, you know, five 45, 45 ish. So just check it. Okay. Cause I just, something's going on. I don't know exactly what it is right now. So again, as long as you guys know that, and if you didn't say pastor, Dave, We will be putting that tomorrow if I don't go live, I'll be putting that tomorrow.
It was a really, really good live show. So we'll be putting that up there for you. Okay. And if not, maybe we'll put it up there at some point tomorrow, even after the live show or whatever. I don't know. We'll see what we're going to do. I got to let God work with me here on what he wants me to do. Tomorrow morning.
All right. So I want to pray for each and every one of you. And what we're going to do is we're going to do exactly what God told us to do. We're going to shout. We're going to pray. We're going to command the enemies and all their plans. So what do I, what they have planned against us now, It's not going to go the way they want it to go.
So Heavenly Father, we thank you that you've given us the higher ground. We thank you that you have called us to this battle, but we are destined to win it. We thank you, Father God. The quitting is not an option for us, because Jesus has already gone before us. He's fought this battle. He's won this battle.
So we know that we have the victory. That's why you call it a good fight. Well, we declare our triumphant victory. Now we declare and decree our enemies defeat. Now we declare and decree father, God, that we are the head and not the tail. We are the above only and not when he, we thank you father, God, that we are.
We're seeing a collapse of their walls. We're seeing a collapse of their narrative. We're seeing a collapse of their foundations. We're seeing a collapse, Father God, of the establishment. We're seeing a collapse of the evil that has been trying to destroy this country and destroy the world. We thank you, Father God, that you are our protector.
You are our defender and we trust you. And Father God, we thank you. You prepared us for such a time as this. You have strengthened us. For such a time as this, you have given us a revelation knowledge for such a time as this. I thank you, father God, that each and every one of them realize that they have the lion of the tribe of Judah on the inside of them, that they know how to fight, that they know how to war, that they know how to speak your words like never before.
I thank you for each and every one of them, no matter the test, no matter the trial, no matter the adversity. No matter the weapon, Father God, you have guaranteed Then to win and I thank you for each and every precious person that's watching this ministry. I thank you for each precious Child of God worldwide There are brothers and sisters in Christ And I thank you father God that their eyes are
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