5 months ago

Monica is an amazing woman caring/training/breeder for 43 German Shepherds
Ignorant corrupt woman at SPCA and RCMP trespassed, terrorized, assaulted, kidnapped and destroyed her peace
These liars acting for said service corporations are exposed!
This is where the world will learn Act[s], Codes, Rules, Statutes, Bylaws DO NOT apply to we the people
Yet these ignorant twits prove to all that is all they can point to when causing so much wrong and harm.

This is Part 2 now showing the horrific trespass causing enormous wrong and harm to Monica a Dr with 2 Doctorates and has raised, breaded amazing German Shepherds as work/guard dogs for 18 years without any problems.

Then comes a bunch of ignorant woman who have lied on mulitple fronts just to show who they believe is boss... it isn't these corrupt pricks who are all liable now for the massive abuse committing well over 50 trespasss stealing Monica's property without right.

2 eye witnesses and the evidence showing this amazing environment and care for what are like her children surrounded with love. The Nieghbors came to defend her but the RCMP thugs once again ignorant of law abused this woman locking her up in handcuffs for 6 hours in back of a police car on a hot day without right!

The world will learn now that NONE of these codes, ACTS statutes, bylaws, rules ect written by another corrupt service corporation called BRITISH COLUMBIA Government is shown to the country and world they have NO jurisdiction EVER unless a verified claim of trespass is made by a man or woman causing wrong or harm.

All of these people represent all that is wrong with our world and they will be held accountable which everyone who views this can act via email and route them out as provided here https://awarriorcalls.com/case-18-monica-marcu/ for exactly what to attach and state in the email body.

Everything the people need to see is shown right here in paperwork.
It is time these maggots acting for service corporations are held accountable

Corruption worldwide is occurring because POLICE are CORRUPT TO THE CORE/IGNORANT OF LAW

If our entire world would have the correct conversation we could stop all evil right now.
The no bars hold discussion everyone needs to watch.
The ONLY site in the world that simply show the way forward is www.awarriorcalls.com


Every Thursday night @ 8pm EST join Christopher James to learn the truth and the solution for our world

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Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com

www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - EVERY Thurs 8pm EST

www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE

www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution!
email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com

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