First Contact

7 months ago

This is an older video I have from the last time asymmetric battles were in the game

At 15:46 on the third of March 1927, Fleet 13, under the command of Admiral Turner, encountered an unknown fleet 439.4 kilometers Southwest of the primary shipyard. The mystery fleet consisted of 5 ships of varying classes, all of which could not be identified nor flew any flags.
15:48-Fleet 13 attempted to contact the unknown fleet. all thirteen attempts ended with failure.
16:53-High Command authorized Fleet 13 to fire a single shot in the vicinity of the lead ship.
16:59-a "star shell" was fired from a secondary gun on the GPKS Shield.
17:13-Fleet 13 reported they where taking fire from the unknown fleet.
18:47-Fleet 13 reported the loss of the heavy cruiser GPKS Guardian.
19:58-Admiral Turner requested all nearby fleets to divert to his location. (Fleet 6 Which was 149 kilometers away responded to this request.)
22:52-Fleet 6 reported finding the GPKS Storm abandoned with critical damage to its hull. Quote from Captain hatfield, "it's a miracle she was still floatin' when we found her."
23:44-Admiral Tompson of Fleet 6 declared Fleet 13 lost and that his fleet would be returning to port with a package for high Command.

The "package" that the Admiral was referring to was a device found on the Storm. The use of said device remained unknown until three months ago when we discovered that it held a large amount of data. A week ago we where able to access the date it turns out to be a video of the battle from the perspective of one of the unknown ships. The origins of the mystery fleet and its intentions still remain hidden from us.

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