Eminem- The Way I Am Remix(COPYRIGHT FREE) 100% Beef & Apex Prod. Apex (WHOM I AM)

6 months ago

Apex's channels
Beats and beats/rap reaction livestream channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCawDE5BYuJa00fCSQgWsVZw
Apex's rap channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MiltownMilitia
if you wanna just hear my soundcloud, heres my soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/100-beef-600339949
100% Beef:
apex, just let it run
Ayo turn up the beat a little bit
Hey yo
This song is for anyone
Fuck it. Just shut up and listen

Pressure is building i need avapro
Was always the bitch never had a bone
Whats the point of autism awareness
were all still working at walmart wearing hairnets

This goverment throws pennies at our feet
Not much but plenty enough to eat
they kick us off when we rank up our budgets
sit on our asses and take the crushes

Why cant the US help a disability
Not just money wise this killing me
They just see a normal human
Im called lazy for emotions looming

Assuming im using or overdramatic
Anxiety makes me panic with sober antics
Bipolar feels like a roller coaster just imagine
ill just film myself and have you post a reaction

Anxeity got me grabbing for the hydroxyzine
And shouting at friends talking to the extreme
My head spinning like a washing machine
And America tells me thats not the routine

Work 9-5 and only get off weekends
But my depression got me weakened
My future looks helpless and bleak again
Cause parents advise me not to leave them

(Hook)(100% Beef)
You dont know the way i am
Cant fold so I gotta play my hand
All I can do is hate the man
you can play fair or take a stand

Im not who you say I am friend
Let me show you the lay of the land then
Get just a little taste to be abandoned

Then you can see the way I am

Dont come at me about mommys basement
When its was not me that caused the inflation
Corperations wanna fuck over our generation
Fuck an appartment its too expense to rent them

older generations wonder why were so nylistic
Refusing to work wanting to die from this shit
Blame us for being fucking lazy why risk it
Depression temps us to sleep like a mistress

Trying to mix it up like Nesquick
I hope the higher ups hear this message
The system for the broken is so suppressive
I cant even imagine if i wasnt blessed with

My parents and the lower class starvin
And you wonder why guns start sparkin
Cause they cant get their life started
And skin color makes em a target

Wish they didnt have to suffer all this
Thinking of what they go through I ball my fists
im for underdogs if i dont understand completety
I understand needing your rights and be called needy

(Hook)(100% Beef)
You dont know the way i am
Cant fold so I gotta play my hand
All I can do is hate the man
you can play fair or take a stand

Im not who you say I am friend
Let me show you the lay of the land then
Get just a little taste to be abandoned

Then you can see the way I am

They expecting to much from a bomb that Combust

I blow up then go nuts cuz i don't give no fucks

they been hating me latey i know its so crazy but don't let it phase me im beyond all the bullshit

think what you want cuz i just don't care
but when it comes to apex you don't compare you're just like the rest just to keep things fair im calling you out if you really got a pair?

I said first come, first serve whos on the list? you can catch these hands when i resort to fist but words of advice im dangerous cut the heads off a snake that traitorous

Sometimes i lose track, but whos got my back? They been shittin' on my life and plotting the attack so many fake motherfuckers it's hard to keep track so i keep my distance and blow down on a sack

All i got in this life is me and my weed
Plus the blessings from above that's all i need live life to the fullest so i plan to succeed always been a fucking beast i guess it's just the breed

(Hook)(100% Beef)
You dont know the way i am
Cant fold so I gotta play my hand
All I can do is hate the man
you can play fair or take a stand

Im not who you say I am friend
Let me show you the lay of the land then
Get just a little taste to be abandoned

Then you can see the way I am

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