Whats going on with video games - Shnewbs rants - #Shnewbs

5 months ago

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What is happening to video games today. From the players to the creators to the games themselves. We've seen a drastic shift within the last 10 years. From woke developers to publishers focusing more on D E I Hires and not on the quality of game. We've seen a spike in popularity of older games, retro games, and even fan developed games that were inevitably taken offline by their creators.

Blizzard saw the biggest lack of fruit from their actions in recent years prior to the sell of blizzard to Microsoft. Where they focused more on D E I, being woke, and unfortunately going the E A route with micro transactions. Disney saw the fall of this when they took developers from popular games at the time such as toontown, and focused more money and effort on chasing micro transactions in the now defunct club penguin.

Games like Habbo fell on their own swords when they refused to focus from the beginning on player age verification and protections leading up to the “great mute” on June 13, 2012.

We now are starting to see the layoffs and purging of bloated staff in their studios and publishers. Leading to the quality of gaming as a whole to fell off, all while the prices continue to increase. Now I get it, you still do have those games that stand the test of time or live up to the hype they push out leading to release date, however that margin of success is dwindling more and more.

Indie games are forever increasing popularity while we see studio’s pushing out product that’s not yet finished, forcing players to an always online platform with no successor of how to play the games in the future, and why do they not listen to their player base, the community’s and their own developers.

Why do players gravitate to offline games, indie games, and retro or older games. It says something when a game like Minecraft or even rust has given their player base a way to continue playing their games long after the game is pulled from the shelves. Indie and retro games continue along this same process ultimately never enforcing the aways online feature that Tripple A games are starting to see.

That feature coupled with the quality of games on release being abysmal is in my honest educated opinion why players always return to the older titles. Cause they will always be there ready for them to come back to, without fear of losing out or losing the ability of playing them.

So why is the always online feature implemented to begin with? If you turn to google or read articles the common answer is to prevent piracy. And although that is a logical answer why keep this feature implemented long after its pulled from the shelves? Im looking at you Ubisoft you Piece of shit. Games like the crew should in all intensive purposes be giving an offline mode or an ability for users to create and run their own servers long after Ubisoft kills it.
Disney is usually in the front of shit talking from communities when it comes to their actions with their video games. But they have listened to their fans, players bases, and the gaming community at times. Allowing groups to re-engineer their games and bring them back online, able it as a free to play, but ultimately still allowing games such as toontown to exist long beyond the end date they gave.

I think ultimately starting with any PC game that is always online DRM being allowed the creation of private servers long after the plug is pulled is in the best interest as them and their fans. This thought process of never owning games and just simply renting them is driving players away.

Now lets get to the rinse and repeaters. The sports games, the shooters, and the racing games. Now these are just ones I will focus on but I’m sure this will elsewhere. The fact studios are reskinning the same old tired games with very little added features each and every year, coupled with the nickel and diming of the player base with loot crates and micro transactions will turn off any player from returning to the next installment.

Couple the rinse and repeaters with the lack of story telling and you get the drop in sales and income like blizzards wow has seen in recent years. Players care of about their time, they care about where they invest it. If they feel as if developers are pushing the game in a specific direction they will hit the forums than inevitable leave the game behind if they feel their voices aren’t being heard.

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