Zionist & Palestinians Come Together at AIPAC 2019 Protest

4 months ago

"You are not allowed to speak or engage with the protesters outside" they said.

So that is exactly what we did.

The anti-Israel protest outside of the AIPAC Policy Conference 2019 is a place to find some of the most anti-Semitic but also some of the most passionate voices about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

While most of the AIPAC attendees are there to participate at an event with access to a spectrum of ideas and just go to hear the interesting speakers inside, dozens of Zionists decided to go outside and engage with the different voices who were all there to protest Israel.

I have attended this conference almost every year over the past decade, and this is the first year that I saw so many young Jews going outside, holding their own, and having real conversations with the other side, breaking down the walls that the older generation told us we could never overcome.

We will be releasing a series of videos showcasing those conversations. Some of them were extremely anti-Semitic and inflammatory, but others were groundbreaking and allowed two sides that were taught to see the other as their enemy to respectfully engage with each other, agree on many things and even shake hands.

The people are the answer and the youth is the key. It is our generations turn to take the present into our hands and to decide what type of future we are to create. It is our generations turn to grow the courage to seek for true justice and to break out of the shells that we were instructed to hide in for too long.

Our hearts tell us to rise up and our minds are drawn to change, but we never questioned listening to the older generation that trained us to sit down and turn around.

The shift is here and this revolution will be televised.

If you like our work and would like to see more projects like this please support us on Patreon @rudyrochman or https://www.paypal.me/RudyRochman.

Video produced by Leibman Productions
In collaboration with J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

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