Talking Sense Into Anti-Israel Jews

6 months ago

As we were tabling at San Francisco State University, we ran into 2 Jewish girls who were handing out anti-Israel flyers and approached them to have a respectful conversation.

Although a lot of what they said was just regurgitated information that has been force fed to them by today's growing wave of anti-Semitism, which preys on vulnerable Jews and forces them to turn their backs on their own people, we were able to have a genuinely productive conversation.

"Zionism" as a definition is the indigenous rights movement of the Jewish People to self-determine in the land of Israel, their native homeland.

"Zionism" put into practice is the most successful indigenous liberation movement that has ever existed where for the first time in history, a native people were successful in throwing out the colonial military forces (British) that were oppressing them and achieved their aspirations of reviving their civilization.

Too many of today's youth think that Zionism put into practice is the conflict and current status quo. Let me be clear. The word "Zionism" was created 100 years before the reestablishment of Israel. The ideas behind Zionism were born the second Judea/Israel was conquered by the Romans some 2,000 years ago.

The conflict and current status quo should never be blamed on Jewish independence, strength, or self-determination. The conflict and status quo is a direct result and the consequence of 3 failed genocidal attempts from the surrounding Arab countries to ethnically cleanse the Jews out of their land.

The conflict and status quo is a direct result and the consequence of too many failed Arab policies by leaders like Amin al-Husseini, Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal who have used their positions as dictators and done everything in their power to produce Palestinian suffering in order to manufacture a conflict that has resulted in the deaths of thousands, for the sole purpose of receiving billions of dollars in aid and getting their personal pockets filled.

For these so-called "leaders", it is functional to keep Palestinians suffering because it allows their scam to continue and their pockets to run heavy.

Israel is more powerful than the Palestinians, which gives it an even greater responsibility to change the conflict and status quo, but the consequences of the wars and policies of these Arab leaders do not get to be blamed on Jewish self-determination just because they failed to destroy Israel and driving the Jews into the sea.

If you go "all in" and you lose, you don't get to blame the person who “called” for your loss.

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Production by Leibman Productions

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