Unpacking Marc Lamont Hill's Anti-Semitism - Breakfast Club Interview

5 months ago

Marc Lamont Hill is an American reporter that recently got fired from CNN for making anti-Semitic statements. He is also a professor at Temple University, which publicly condemned his recent rhetoric.

The condemnation and firing are due to his most recent use of hate speech at the United Nations. Although he has the absolute freedom to say what he wants, he is not free of the social consequences that might follow.

If that wasn't enough, he then decided to go on the Breakfast Club radio show and spent almost an hour bashing the idea of Israel's existence saying things like "we don't need a Jewish State" or "Hamas, the group that they call terrorists" or that there was a relationship with Israeli Defense Forces and police brutality in America.

Unfortunately, most of the viewers and the hosts of this show have no idea about the history and facts on the ground, and individuals like MLH are able to manipulate large audiences by getting them to the conclusion that Israel, is the source of all evils, which is exactly how anti-Semitism works.

This reaction video was made to serve as material for young Jews and their allies, and for them to be able to unpack prejudice and anti-Semitism that spreads as an ideological front to Jewish self-determination. I also hope that this video reaches Charlemagne, DJ Envy & Angela Yee so that they can get another perspective on the issue while addressing all of the malicious arguments that were made.

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Link to the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_5k6AJoNDs

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