Let Freedom Ring - Abraham Lincoln channeled Message 1962.

5 months ago

Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, to FREE enslaved people in USA January 1, 1863.
A momentous moment in the short History of America only a hundred & sixty years ago. The Country divided over the same issues confronting all of Humanity today, Self Determination, Emancipation, Freedom, Dignity, Justice, and Liberty for each of the Countries of Planet Earth and of the individual Rights of the people therein.
The Emancipation by the great President and Peacemaker Abraham Lincoln set the stage for the end of the American Civil War which divided the Country and led to the Freedom of the transplanted African Negroes as slaves to their white Owners.
You are encouraged to research the impact of Spiritualism upon the future of the USA. Mrs. Lincoln was a dedicated Spiritualist who introduced Mediums and Seances to the White House. Read of the Mediumistic young girl who became an Instrument for the Spirit World to bring forth through physical phenomena many directions which became Law of the Land.
President Lincoln guided by Spiritual forces summed up in words relevant to the tragedy in the country of Palestine under the Hammer of the Jew. Love and Respect and Peace is of God; Hate, Cruelty and violence are Evil clearly seen.
Join with us, Unite, to stop the Slaughter & Fight. Financial Donation builds strength, purpose and results, your sacrifice returns Divine presence.
Sri Sunkara
Chairman – Spiritualism Australia Limited🙏🏾

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