Organ Donation: What Are Deemed Consent, Deemed Authorisation And Presumed Consent? - UK Column News

6 months ago

Organ Donation: What Are Deemed Consent, Deemed Authorisation And Presumed Consent? 
Full news and all the source links:
- The Independent (2004): Forgotten for 25 years: now the 1,000 infant bodies found after Alder Hey can be laid to rest
- GOV.UK (2001): The Royal Liverpool Children's Inquiry Report
- Human Tissue Authority: A guide for the public to the Human Tissue Act 2004 (PDF)
- NHS Organ Donation (YouTube): The best thing you'll do today: Confirm your decision to be an organ donor
- UK Column article (2018): No TIME to Die by Dr Mike Williams 
- UK Column article (2010): Without Consent by Martin Edwards
- UK Column content: Debi Evans Blog: 8 August 2023
- NHS Blood and Transplant: Parents of 11-week-old baby who needs urgent heart transplant urge families to think about organ donation
- NHS Organ Donation (YouTube): Waiting To Live: Campaign shines a light on children waiting for a transplant
- The Behavioural Insights Team: Applying Behavioural Insights to Organ Donation
- GOV.UK: Applying Behavioural Insights to Organ Donation—Preliminary results from a randomised controlled trial (PDF)
- The Decision Lab: Sludge
“Sludge is essentially the opposite of a nudge. While nudges try to push people to make better decisions by making certain choices easier than others, sludges make a process more difficult with the goal of creating friction, which makes the consumer less likely to continue the process.”
- GOV.UK (2019): Opt-out organ donation: Max and Keira's Bill passed into law
- NHS Organ Donation: Register your decision
- ODT Clinical: Transplant units in the UK: Download a report of the number of transplants performed by each transplant unit (PDF)
- ODT Clinical: Organ Donation and Transplantation 2030: Meeting the Need
- NHS Organ Donation: UK laws
- NHS Organ Donation (YouTube): Organ donation law in England has changed 
- BBC: Organ harvesting: Trafficked for his kidney and now forced into hiding
- Yahoo News: ‘Miracle boy’ Trenton McKinley, 13, wakes up after being declared brain dead and parents agreed to donate organs
- AOMRC: A code of practice for the diagnosis and confirmation of death (PDF)
- NHS Blood and Transplant: UK launches world’s largest ever randomised controlled trial in organ donation
- UHN Toronto (YouTube): What happens with organ donation after death
- The World Economic Forum (2022): Gene-edited pig heart transplanted into a human patient
- The World Economic Forum (2015): How 3D-printing could transform heart surgery

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