MR. NON-PC: Stop Playing Mental Gymnastics With Mental Midgets!

6 months ago

You see it everyday here in the MopeyWorld, (somewhat) intelligent people getting dragged into ridiculous conversations with LOW iQ PC-PEEPZ or as I like to call them MENTAL MIDGETS!

And let's be honest, it's mainly on the LibTurd side that we see a lot of these mental midgets...but you definitely see a lot on the Cuckservative side as well.

And the NON-PC people like you and I are beyond annoyed watching these lame factions (try) to battle it out intellectually to prove "who's right" when in reality MOST OF THEM ARE WRONG!!!

I've said it many times before, the intelligent, NON-PC, based in reality people need to STOP PLAYING MENTAL GYMNASTICS WITH MENTAL MIDGETS!!! You're never gonna "win" and they're low iq minds will never be convinced of the truth of things.

Focus instead on the few like-minded people that you are close to, trust and know you can count on.

Let the mental midgets continue to act trashy, fight with each other, name call and continue their constant drama.

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