CRY FREEDOM TV: A Voice Of Reason In These Times Of Chaos? πŸŒΏπŸ€πŸƒ

6 months ago


***VIDEO DISCLAIMER: Cry Freedom Radio/TV/Blog does NOT condone violence or racism in any shape or form and the distinctions have to be made between out right racial prejudices and people who are worried for their communities and in fact sovereignty at a time we are told only around 50% of our capital is still lived in by native Brits and the boats still keep coming because it seems the government is totally incapable of controlling it!***

After weeks of mounting VIOLENCE, CHAOS and UNREST here in the UK, that has affected us ALL, I felt a need to put out this video when it feels practically all of the external world is bearing down upon us like never before, we are still all dealing with the aftermath of the 'covid' years very much and they ain't taking the pressure off in any way!

After an apparent democratic 'election' (don't get me started on that one lol) the new government, which is never mine I hasten to add as I did not give any consent in any way to their system, it has started to feel more and more like a communist state that is also being taken over by illegal immigrants who are not only taking over the hotels, and I saw some recent coverage of lots of them outside a posh golfing hotel down in Wiltshire giving a native british person aggro just because he was filming with his phone, says much hey, but also taking over our estates it would seem, which for one thing alone is not going to help house prices for those wanting to sell!!!

It's stressful for us all to watch on top of all the other violence, stabbings and rioting, for sure we are in hectic times when it seems even our very country may be taken away from us...

I just wanted to try to calm my space by these words and express what I believe to be an urgent need for us all to get back to basics and become as independent from a system gone insane, as is possible, as focussing on what's being going on out there over the weeks has certainly lowered my energy, as I'm sure it has everyone else... SO we need to rise above it and carry on with the things that matter and will enhance our wellbeing and lives!

I hope a lot of this makes sense to folk and I send hugs and love πŸ™πŸ’ž

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