Julie Ann Kilmer on Secret Societies, Handlers, the Cult of Law & Spiritual Warfare

4 months ago

Julie Ann Kilmer is a courageous survivor who was groomed from childhood as a sex slave. She was born into a generational family and became targeted by a powerful network after making reports about abuse that she was experiencing as a adult by people who have turned out to be handlers and well connected abusers that were part of brotherhoods and secret societies

When Julie bravely called out powerful abusers in her state she found all the local systems were used against her. Sadly this is a reality for many survivors when they report abuse

Julie is dedicated to raising awareness and she shares great uplifting content and educates on the truth of mind control & what it is to be a targeted individual

Julie is going to share some of her testimony and learnings which I feel will greatly benefit survivors and all those learning about the evil networks and how they have managed to remain hidden for so long

Julie shared this recently on the technosorcery that survivors experience;

I've been under witchcraft attacks for many years. Sometimes God allows us to feel slight effects just to make us aware so we can pray through them. Despite it all I've maintained God's peace regardless of the demonic attacks sent my way. God never said the weapons wouldn't form. He said they wouldn't prosper. I'm thankful for God's Divine Protection. This is a War of Witchcraft, Satanism, GangStalking, and Electronic Harassment for the Reaping Of Souls. Targeted Individuals fight the battle from the Front Lines. Voodoo witches and Satan worshippers work curses at night while the victims sleep. The witching hour is generally between midnight and 4:00 am. Witchcraft is a System. Witches & Warlocks try to put black magic curses on people while they are asleep, when their defenses are Weakened. We must daily suit up for SPIRITUAL WARFARE. It’s important to put on the Full Armor of God and and stay in prayer. We Speak out loud to the demons that they have no legal right to torment us. Through the blood of Jesus I bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep me from obeying the Truth. Galatians 3:1 “Treading On Serpents” 🐍 The Daily Devotional for those who are Gang Stalked, Bullied and Harassed. #TargetedIndividual #GangStalkingSurvivor #SpiritualWarfareIsReal

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Gabbi Choong
Truth Justice Freedom for Children

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