ag has the tendancy to chuck prayers down a well

4 months ago

sophie closeup
look at that beautiful tail
she repeatedly does this demonic meow
the Bible always vindicates me
Isaiah 59...your iniquities have separated between you and your god
what is the point of praying for certain people
i really have to work at this yawl
i vote for vodka (that was my drink anyway)
getting drunk at least changes sumin
another accurate statement from ag
back when i started doin standup people (mainly women) were intimidated
there is a commonality that we both have which explains the attraction
the n word for example hahahahaha
all you need to know is that i said/did this (but i kinda made it obvious so...)
the cynic vs the dumb hopeful
i believe in certain people having children
perhaps God won't even hear that prayer
i say things that make me sound like the most arrogant person ever i know
sounding narcissistic vs. doing narcissistic things
ag does schizophrenic or possibly manic depressive things
i dunno who anybody is esp online holy shit
the utter futility of shame in america
i'll just let them expose themselves
i swear it's still the nineties in this house
sophie is gonna go pick up that phone
so sorry i can't be whoever you want me to be...same number calling over n over again
i actually didn't work at captain Ds btw, my last serious boyfriend did so...
i caved yawl, i ended up praying for me hahaha

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