Soon End and Fulfillment of the Predictions ❤️ Even though the worldly People don't want to hear

6 months ago

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Soon End and Fulfillment of the Predictions, even though the worldly People don't want to hear

November 12, 1954 - Message 6106 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

Do not be confused and believe My Words announcing the coming end to you... You are not told the day and hour, because it would not be good for you if you knew. Yet none of you imagine the day of the end to be as near as the day that has been fixed since eternity.

All of you still have your eyes fixed on the world so much that you do not think it possible that such a quick end should be set for it, for your thinking is still abundantly earthly, even if you belong to My own and strive spiritually. You are in the midst of the world and must still fill your place, and that is why your thoughts are often far removed from what I have always announced to you.

Time and again you are told that the end will come suddenly and unexpectedly... You will not determine a time, for I will come like a thief in the night... But do not mock what lies ahead of you, because you do not believe, so you will not regret it one day.

Time and again I awaken seers and prophets in order to warn and admonish you through them, so that you prepare yourselves for the inevitable. And yet I do not let you know the day and hour so as not to confuse you, so as not to trap you in your will and actions.

Yet even when the day has come, people will be surprised because nothing unusual will happen beforehand and the people of the world will pursue their pleasures and enjoy life more than ever... Only a few see brightly, but their admonitions will be ridiculed until I intervene and My Word is fulfilled... Therefore accept everything as pure truth which was imparted to you through the voice of the spirit. Expect the end very soon, for the time is fulfilled... The time of harvest has come...

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