New study has DISMANTLED the latest climate scare about the Gulf Stream leading to a new ice age

5 months ago

BOOM: A new study has DISMANTLED the latest climate scare about the Gulf Stream leading to a new ice age.

Peter Ditlevsen claimed the AMOC, an ocean current system that balances global temperatures, could cause catastrophic cooling by 2025.

Well, a new study has found that the likelihood of the AMOC collapsing by 2025 is very low, with estimates below 10%, sharply contrasting with earlier, more alarmist predictions.

Even the Potsdam Institute, which initially supported the scare, now admits the predictions were flawed. And previous claims of an imminent collapse have been discredited.

The reality is that the biggest danger about climate change is the draconian policies that come with it.

If someone ever asks you why you believe climate change is a hoax, refer to this three-minute video featuring Alan Jones.


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