TGW: X-men Legends 1 Walkthrough- Magnetos Intrusion

1 month ago

In this episode Jean and Emma tell Cyclops and Wolverine about the Abduction of Professor Xavier, Cyclops tells both of them to calm down and explain their self, but then Magneto comes along and demands to see Xavier, Cyclops gets annoyed but decides to confront Magneto anyways, Beast, Wolverine, Rogue, and Magma confront Magneto, Magneto talks about Weapon-X's experimentation, a bit of back and forth leads to Sentinels to attack the X-mansion, now the team face off against them a bit of fighting leads to the Sentinels to corner Magneto and capture him. Magma enters the mansion again and talks to wolverine. she asks what the Sentinels are gonna do to Magneto, Wolverine says magneto can worry about hisself, leading the Conversation to be cut short. Magma explores the upstairs then explores the sub-basement where she speaks to Colossus about how Illyana is doing, Illyana says she just wants to see the sun again while her brother Colossus wants her to Rest, Magma congratulates her on her Recovery, Magma talks to Beast and Storm hoping to find a way to save Xavier, Beast and Storm can't find a way to make sense of Xavier being Unconscious, Next. Magma talks to Jean and Emma, Magma asks who Shadow king is and what the team can do to help Professor X, Jean says Shadow King is a mental parasite, and Emma says if the team don't save Xavier, shadow king will destroy him, leading Magma to worry, Jean calms Magma down and Magma ends the Conversation there, She then speaks to Cyclops in the war room about his Brother Havok and the where abouts of Magneto, nothing new pops up so Magma ends the conversation, and preps for the X-men'd next big mission.

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