Predator Exposed - Why Did Tim Walz Leave Nebraska?

6 months ago

Why did Tim Walz Leave Nebraska? Many people speculate that his reason for leaving Nebraska was due to his out-of-control drug and alcohol abuse that resulted in a DUI arrest and conviction in 1995. However, the reasons are much more complicated, disturbing, and criminal. This drug addict and alcoholic left town in the middle of the night and never returned soon after the incident. Some say he was chased out of town and others say he ran out of town for his own safety. Sources close to the situation say the reason for his rapid departure were due to the on-going rumors, allegations, and investigations into his inappropriate interactions with underage individuals. Tim Walz’s abusive, corruptible, and deviant behavior was becoming more apparent and difficult to ignore. He exposed himself, and was revealed to be a predator, disguised as a Typical Nebraska Loser.

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