This is How Banks Kept You A Debt Slave

6 months ago

The Rothschild Banking system...the Central Banking system has been taken down and will be replaced with the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which will be able to stop ‘Crimes Against Humanity’. The way they kept you a debt slave was when you signed on the dotted line for your mortgage, they paid off your mortgage with your Birth Certificate Bond Money then they charged you again for your mortgage with interest. They also did these illegal practices with Car Notes, Credit Cards, and Student Loans - any bank loan. They committed at least 30 acts of fraud when you bought a house.

In 1871, we were already under the Republic, but the way the Rothschild family created an unlawful government, the United States, Inc., was they took over the Department of Treasury by using murder and blackmail. Then they created the Federal Reserve and IRS. The men who would have stopped the creation of the Federal Reserve were on the Titanic. J.P. Morgan was supposed to be on the Titanic, but he changed his mind at the last minute, so did he know that the Titanic was going to sink? Read more at

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