ARDIS: SALT and High BP. They have been Lying to You.

6 months ago

Biggest RACKET in medicine. Man in America and Dr. Ardis. They have been lying to you about salt. Switch to unrefined sea salt or ground salt. Brands include Real Salt, celtic salts, himalaya salts.

"We have been lied to so many times in medicine. One of the greatest LIES ever told to humanity by medicine is that SALT is bad for you and that salt increases your blood pressure. It does not. You have been lied to. High blood pressure drugs are a MASSIVE boon [profit] for the pharma complex. Let me give you some perspective. The FDA tells you: you can only eat up to [approx] 2200 to 2400 mg salt of day. The American Heart Association says it is 1100 to 1200 mg of salt per day. The truth is that the Tel Aviv Israel [2016 Research Study] figured out that the actual BEST AMOUNT OF UNREFINED SALT that you should be consuming every day to keep your blood pressure normal is between 6000 to 9000 mg of [unrefined] salt per day..."

"[If/When] You have stroke-level high blood pressure and you called an ambulance, do you know the first thing they are going to inject inside of you when you get into the ambulance and they take you to the hospital? Without ever talking to a doctor, they are going to inject you with SALINE. [SALINE is SALT] Do you know what saline is? 9000 mg of SALT in that [IV] bag of water. If you have extremely high blood pressure at stroke level, do you know they will do 2 of those [IV] bags of salt in what they call 'a push'. They will push 18,000 mg of salt inside your body. And what happens? Your blood pressure starts coming down....They [the Hospital System] only are charged $2 to buy those [IV] bags of salt. Do you know what the average adult charge is for a [IV] bag of salt in the hospital. $893 they bill your insurance for a $2 dollar bag of salt is the largest RACKET in medicine. " ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis

Unrefined = no high heat treatment. No additives. No preservatives.

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