British Evil Empire Christopher Steele, instigator behind Trump-Russia dossier, broke his silence?

6 months ago

Not an "investigator"but cowardly instigator.(In true British Style) The Great Game Britain vs Russia has never ended,and Ol' Christopher the nonce hit 2 birds with one terd.Russia and the US .They wanted to get on with their agenda of replacing the British people and restricting their cries for mercy.
Just a was the British who attacked the United States with Steel's British lies when it was getting back on it's feet from 8yrs of Alinskyite Obama .whom the British loved for his great works of causing racial division, weakening the US military and LGBT month so the people would be as degenerate as a High Society Englishman creating more sex partners for the Jimmy Savile class of Britts.
Britain was plowing along with their New World (old world order) and then Donald Trump shows up. Leave it to the Evil Empire and a smooth talking gaslighter with Crown Credentials to make up a complete pile of rubbish from whole cloth.Look at this weasel and his pompous yammering when he got caught.
The media said he broke his silence. All he did in typical British fashion is say I have nothing to say.
He threw the United States into turmoil that still is going on. Today we see Britain in it's true nature of oppressing their people for social media posts after being terrorized by little shits like Christopher Steel and his ilk replacing the people of England and Europe for their Fabian Socialist New Victorian Age where you will own nothing and be happy.


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