Blazor Prerendering & Minimal API with MediatR in C# .NET

6 months ago

Adding MediatR to our module and to the minimal API in the C# .NET 7 modular full-stack project.

After that, I re-purposed the Blazor Server project to pre-render the Blazor WebAssembly project. Since SEO will be important for our brand website.

I briefly cover my HotReload setup in the Blazor project. And I show you how I completed the "NewsletterSubscribers" components to send and retrieve data over HTTP.

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Source code:

00:00 Intro
02:19 MediatR
06:35 Blazor Pre-rendering
11:52 Hot Reload
15:20 HTTP Conversion
15:48 HTTP Client
20:50 Global State Provider
26:50 Recap
27:35 Outro

#dotnet #csharp #webapi #api #webdevelopment #fullstack #fullstacksoftwareengineering #backend #docker #azure #containerization #devops #cloud #microsoft #linux #entityframework #identityframework #mssqlserver #mssql #cleanarchitecture #authentication #api #development #local #web #fullstack #cqrs #mediatr #webapi #cors #http #stateless #webscraping #workers #migration
#development #blazor #wasm #webapp #webassembly #seo #rendering #client #render #server #prerendered #modular #monolith #verticalslicearchitecture #minimalapi

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