Mondo Gonzales of Prophecy Watchers - Changed in an Instant

1 month ago

Tonight we are both excited and humbled to welcome Mondo Gonzales of "Prophecy Watchers". Mondo is among other things, an expert in all things Israel, an established author, Radio & TV Host, Student of both Archaeology & Astrology in support of Scripture, and much more.

David Paxton leads the study this evening to make it crystal clear that the End Times are upon us just as described in the Holy Bible. And in fact, events currently unfolding throughout the World are signs that those yet to receive Salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have little time remaining to make their "personal" and ETERNAL Choice.

Please do keep in mind that JD Williams is a Member of the US Press Association, with the full protection from Censorship under the Constitution of the United Sates as a Member of the Free Press.

Finally, it's of extreme importance to remember, Prophecies just as the Bible said would happen are now occurring almost daily and speeding us toward the Rapture of the Church. The World is turning its attention toward Israel for what will usher in the Gog Magog War, the Rapture, the Great 7 Year Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ.

And finally, PLEASE NOTE: All opinions expressed are those of the Hosts & Guests of the "Last Christian" and not necessarily those of the KRRB Revelation Radio, Corporation.

The "Last Christian" is Presented every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm Central across ALL Platforms with Scripture taken directly from the Word of God.

To learn more about Mondo Gonzales and Prophecy Watchers please visit:

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