.NET 8 Keyed Service Dependency Injection with C#

3 months ago

Using the new Keyed services dependency injection feature to solve a real problem in my current code base written in C# .NET 8.

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00:00 Intro
00:40 Setup
01:38 Problem recap
05:00 Base class
07:45 KeyedServices
10:40 ImplementationFactory
12:20 KeyedService wrapper
16:05 Generic wrapper
18:57 Use Base class
22:05 Extension method
24:37 Outro

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#development #blazor #wasm #pwa #progressivewebapps #webapp #webassembly #seo #rendering #client #render #server #prerendered #googlesearch #modular #monolith #verticalslicearchitecture #minimalapi

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