Stickmale's Organizing-Videos.

7 months ago

Hello I am Stickmale/MineWarriorKing/UFOTheBoss/The Founder of Freestyle Christianity, and this is my organization compilation of making my profile more open and less historically-tied. I already watched all my 'Water later' videos, and I know I would not get back to my liked videos if I found something intriguing in them- so I decided to have neither for the focus onto my original ideas and viewer's ability to see all I truly care about. I unsubbed, unliked, and unmade many of my videos, playlists, and ecetera. Here you go, enjoice.
Videos' Descriptions List:
-"In this video we look upon the history of me challenging myself to click that unsub button and repeat it over and over for probably three hours total. This is sped up footage, and in the end nothing changed except the organization of my subscriptions. I used to just like and sub to every video creator I clicked or found via just being on a video- but now I consequence The MineWarriorKing for doing so."
-"Today I organize and clear slash clean up my follows/subs on Twitch because I dislike the site, don't want to use it, and feel as if a push towards self-perfection is a holy need for my purposes. So here I unfollow many, even sadly my friends' profiles, because I will not be using Twitch, yet I rather not delete my profile so records of my existence could plausibly still exist on there at least in case something goes wrong. Yadda dabba doo i use lightworks on you so I can make some video go poo.."
🎩 EB Revolt Server : ttps:// 🎩
🔥 MineWarriorKing's Storyfire Channel : tps:// 🔥
🌎 MineWarriorKing's Odysee Channel : tps:// 🌎
🧨 MineWarriorKing's Bitchute : tps:// 🧨
🍀 MineWarriorKing's Rumble Channel : ttps:// 🍀
📀 MineWarriorKing's Newgrounds : ttps:// 📀
‍🚒 EB Fandom : tps:// ‍🚒
🏵️ Miraheze Fandom for EB : tps:// 🏵️
🐈 EB Github : tps:// 🐈

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