Persecuted Christian Targeted Individual MIKE SAHA LIVE CCTV / SLEEP STREAM

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Persecuted Christian Targeted Individual MIKE SAHA LIVE CCTV / SLEEP STREAM

Black Listed
Targeted Individuals (TI's)
TIs Are
Gang Stalked
For Speaking Out
Lists of Revenge
The FBI Knows
Corrupt Lists
Secret Trial
by Secret Society
Secret Vigilantes
Dole Out
Vigilante (in)Justice
TI's are Harassed
TI's are Car Mobbed
Belongings Vandalized
TI's are Stalked
TI's are GasLighted
It's a PSYOP
TI's are Slandered
Entire Families
Children Included
To Eradicate Bloodlines
FBI's CoIntelPro Lives
Targeted Individuals (TIs)

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