The Divine Male Sanctity Energy Vlog

6 months ago

The Divine Male Sanctity Energy Vlog title is from the date August 15, 2024 thus 31 which adds to #4 The Emperor card as the divine male a builder of edifices to the empire benign or tyrannical he can be. Sanctity is the Divine Abundance Oracle card we got today through offerings even the most mundane can become a sacrament.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news showed us fouramplitudes, the first a power of 71 at 1:15 AM UTC thus the chariot swiftly moves s with strength and bravery to face the dogs of war. Teh second amplitude power is 61 at 2:310 AM UTC the the Hierophant take a swift chariot ride to deliver Wednesdays sermon. The third amplitude power of 33 at 4:30 AM UTC thus the chariot brings the master teachers like Yeshua who taught us of a god of lovers. The fourth amplitude power of 20 at 5:30 AM UTC thus strength and bravery will be needed on the judgement day of the Aeon of Pisces.

Space weather gave us a solar wind density of five protons per second. a soalr winds speed of 320 (KPS). and a solar wind temperature of 50,000 Kelvin. TheKP Index of geomagnetic activity was pretty low today the highest leve being 1.8 with two period we are looking at a level .1 just a line to indicate the period has been read.

The last clip is from exopolitictics today where Dr. Michael Salla interview Paul willis on his latest book about the invader of Eden about the . or the mighty ones.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news:
Space Weather:
Exopolitics Today Michael Salla interviews P)aul Willis about his new book the invaders of Eden:

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