Fresh and Fit Religion Debate Response Video

1 month ago

Fresh & Fit Religion Debate: Islam vs Christianity.

After watching, Fresh & Fit Podcast Religion Debate, I felt obligated to both respond to that atrocious debate which is only helping divide Muslims & Christians, and not unite them, when their core values are the same, during a time, they need to be on the same side. I am not a big fan of religious debate, however, there are evil people like Sam Shamoun, who play with Bible and Quran verses, out of context, and use clever salesmen tactics to put on a good show.

I also feel Podcats like Patrick Bet David and Fresh and Fit, do not have the right people debating these arguments.

Here is my response to the clown, that is Sam Shamoun. I also willing challenge anyone to a debate, that wants to create animosity between these 2 world faiths, when that is not my objective. My objective is to unite them, not in core beliefs, but as a way to protect both religons.

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