Risk reward system vs accountability (the No-Kinkshame Chronicles)

6 months ago

"Hedonism, fetishism & rampant impulsive degeneracy: Not precisely a sign of collapse but a symptom of a prospering society with a booming economy, rising birthrates, longer marriages, flourishing job market, safer schools, gender relations are the best they've ever been, women are happy & feel safe, the men feel appreciated & that they have purpose, dropping violent crime rate because parenting methods have improved, healthy discipline has been reintegrated into the culture, both men & women are in a good place in 202X----"

Said no one. NO ONE.

Said Japan in 2012 ("It's on their computer, thus it's not hurting anyone, they can keep their CP"), but Japan 2023 is singing a different song because whatdoyaknow?! Fetishism & "If it feels good, that means indulge" is actually NOT something to encourage?

Whaaaaaat? Since when?!

I thought we were supposed to remain 13 year olds for the rest of our lives?

When did I miss the memo. I thought adulthood meant just because you can means you DEFINITELY should: Religiously in-fact.

_Gee willikers batman, this "growing the fuck up" shit is spooky._

*With society is doing so goddamn well, it's no wonder why people have such obsessions & fetishes that reflect a sane, healthy, stable & non-abusive culture that definitely isn't conditioning us to normalize dysfunction, toxicity, anarchy, death and straight evil as normal behavior. Yep, Life is good. * 🥂

Wait WH-

#memes #devolution #monkebrain #think (your brain isn't an accessory, you precious goofball) #lessermook

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